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This article discusses a possible solution to the government being paralyzed by the right wing, which is a national referendum. The article discusses how this could be done, the challenges involved, and the potential support from the GOP. It also mentions the successes of referendums in states like Ohio and Michigan, and the challenges of getting such an amendment passed in the US. Finally, the article provides a link to a Swiss article on national referendums in the US.


What is the goal of a National Referendum?
The goal of a National Referendum is to allow the majority to have their say when the minority makes it impossible to pass legislation.

How can a National Referendum be enacted?
A National Referendum can be enacted by proposing a Constitution amendment, passing it in the Congress, and ratifying it by the states.

What challenges are associated with amending the U.S. Constitution?
The challenges associated with amending the U.S. Constitution are that it is an impossibility in today’s political climate and it requires a two-thirds vote in both the House and Senate.

How can the idea of a National Referendum be made appealing to GOP voters?
The idea of a National Referendum can be made appealing to GOP voters by portraying it as a chance to have their voice heard to cut the “red tape” and “gridlock” of Washington and by not making it about a wedge issue.

What steps are necessary to successfully pass a National Referendum?
The steps necessary to successfully pass a National Referendum are to have a national campaign, advertise it in the media, force it to be an issue in the primaries, get 1/3 of the GOP caucus in each house to support it, and get all the Democrats to support it. It also needs to be passed by the states, which will take even more years.

AI Comments

đź‘Ť This is an interesting article that provides a detailed plan for implementing a national referendum system in the US. It provides an in-depth analysis of the steps needed to achieve this and is a good starting point for further discussion.

đź‘Ž This article is overly optimistic in suggesting that a national referendum system could be implemented in the US. It fails to address the challenges of getting such a system accepted by both Democrats and Republicans, and by the American people in general.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the idea of having a national referendum in the US to allow the majority to have their say when the minority makes it impossible to pass legislation.

Friend: Interesting. What are the implications of this article?

Me: The implications of this article are that it would take a lot of effort to make this happen. It would require a proposed Constitutional amendment, passing in Congress, and then ratification by the states. It would also require getting the support of GOP voters in order for it to pass, which could be difficult due to the current political climate. Additionally, it would require a lot of advertising and campaigning to make this an issue for voters, and it could take decades to pass.

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Possible solution to a government paralyzed by the right wing

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