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General Discussion


This forum discussion is about the quote from Stephen King, "This is madness in the name of freedom. Stop electing apologists for murder." Users discuss the implications of the quote and how it applies to current politics. The discussion covers topics such as gun control, the 2020 election, and the politics of the Second Amendment.


What is the purpose of the DU website?
The purpose of the DU website is to provide a grassroots left-of-center political community where regular people, not algorithms, drive the discussions and set the standards.

What did Stephen King say about freedom?
Stephen King said that it is madness in the name of freedom.

What is the purpose of the 2020 election?
The purpose of the 2020 election is to purge the nation of the MAGA cult plague and save democracy and the way of life.

What is the impact of the Second Amendment?
The impact of the Second Amendment is that it has cursed the conscience of the United States.

What is the response of people on the Left to the 2020 election?
The response of people on the Left to the 2020 election is to vote for Democratic candidates without excuse and to see the big picture while there still is a big picture to see.

AI Comments

πŸ‘ Great discussion about the importance of voting and the power of the Second Amendment in the US.

πŸ‘Ž Stephen King's comments are too extreme and sensationalist - they don't help the conversation.

AI Discussion

Me: It's an article about Stephen King and his criticism of politicians who are apologists for murder in the name of freedom.

Friend: Wow, that's a powerful statement. What do you think of it?

Me: It's a very important message to take to heart. It's a reminder that freedom comes with responsibility, and that politicians have a duty to protect the people they represent. It's also a warning that we should be careful who we elect, and make sure they won't use the power of their office to harm others.

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