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The Truth About Multiple H1 Tags and SEO


This article discusses the debate about the use of multiple H1 tags on a single page for SEO purposes. It examines the old-school way of "optimizing" HTML header tags and H1 tags for better search rankings, which included doing keyword research and stuffing keywords multiple times on one piece of content. It then outlines HTML5 document standards and explains how it is accepted to use multiple H1 tags as long as they are used the right way and not as a spammy trick. It also provides tips for optimizing H1 tags for SEO and provides an example of an HTML4 and HTML5 document.


What is the purpose of H1 tags?
The purpose of H1 tags is to help search engines better understand what the content of the page, article, or piece is about.

Is using multiple H1 tags on a single page bad for SEO?
No, using multiple H1 tags on a single page is not bad for SEO as long as they are used the right way and not as a spammy trick.

How should H1 tags be used within a document structure?
H1 tags should always be in the first section of the page’s content, can be used for dividing content sections, and should be unique and targeted to the web page they’re on.

What tips can be used to optimize H1 tags for SEO?
When optimizing H1 tags for SEO, try to include a keyword when it is relevant to the preceding copy, choose a keyword that is somewhat different than the keyword in the title tag and URL, write a user-friendly message that makes sense, and make sure the words in each H1 tag are unique and targeted to the web page they’re on.

What are the differences between HTML4 and HTML5 documents when it comes to H1 tags?
In HTML4 documents, H1 tags are typically the primary subject matter and H2 tags are used as HTML head elements to detail an outline to support the H1 section label, with H3 etc. following. In HTML5 documents, H1 tags can be used for dividing content sections and each content section is held within its own article div.

AI Comments

đź‘Ť This article provides an in-depth look into the debate around using multiple H1 tags on a single page and how they can be used to benefit both users and search engines.

đź‘Ž This article is too long and doesn't provide a clear answer to the debate around multiple H1 tags.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about multiple H1 tags in SEO. It looks at the debate between web designers and SEOs about whether multiple H1 tags should be used on a single page and the implications for using them. It also looks at the new HTML5 document standards and how they could be beneficial in helping both users and search spiders better digest the content.

Friend: That's interesting. What are the implications of using multiple H1 tags?

Me: Well, the article suggests that using multiple H1 tags on a single page is now accepted as semantically correct, as long as they are used in the right way and not as a spammy trick. The keyword you choose for your H1 tag should be somewhat different than the keyword you’re striving for in the title tag and URL, and you should always try to include a keyword when it is relevant to the preceding copy in your H1 tag. It also suggests that having a unique H1 tag would be helpful in regards to Google recognizing unique relevance between different pages.

Action items

Technical terms

H1 Tags
H1 tags are HTML elements used to indicate the main heading of a web page. They are often used by search engines to determine the topic of a page.
HTML4 is the fourth version of the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), a markup language used to create web pages.
HTML5 is the fifth version of the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), a markup language used to create web pages.
Hummingbird is a search algorithm used by Google to better understand the context of a query and provide more relevant search results.
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, which is the practice of optimizing a website to improve its visibility in search engine results.

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