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Google: Links No Longer A Top Three Ranking Signal


At PubCon, Gary Illyes from the Google Search team said that links are no longer a top three ranking signal in Google Search. Google has been downplaying the importance of links in its ranking algorithm for the past couple of years. Danny Goodwin from Search Engine Land also wrote about Illyes' statement, saying that it's absolutely possible to rank without links. Matt Cutts, the former Googler, also said something similar about eight years ago and the trend has only continued. Links are now weighted a lot less than it was eight years ago.


What did Google's Gary Illyes say about links as a ranking signal at PubCon?
Gary Illyes said that links are no longer in the top three ranking signals Google Search uses.

How long has Google been downplaying the importance of links in its ranking algorithm?
Google has been downplaying the importance of links in its ranking algorithm for the past couple of years.

How has the weight of links changed over time according to Google and former Googlers?
Google and former Googlers have said that links are weighted a lot less than they were eight years ago and that trend continues.

What did Google's Duy Nguyen say about the significance of backlinks?
Duy Nguyen said that backlinks as a signal has a lot less significant impact compared to when Google Search first started out many years ago.

What did Google say about links becoming less important in the future?
Google said that links would likely become even less important in the future.

AI Comments

👍 This article is very informative and provides a comprehensive overview of links and their importance in Google's ranking algorithm. It provides a detailed history and useful insights into the current situation.

👎 This article does not provide any practical tips on how to optimize SEO for links and there is not enough detail on how links are used in other ranking algorithms.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how Google is no longer using links as one of its top three ranking signals. It's been downplaying the importance of links for a while now, but this is the first time they've officially said it.

Friend: Wow, that's pretty significant. It's going to change the way SEO works.

Me: Yeah, it definitely will. People have been downplaying the importance of links for years, but this is the first confirmation from Google itself. It could mean that content will become even more important for SEO success, and people may have to shift their strategies away from link building and more toward content creation.

Action items

Technical terms

The most popular search engine in the world.
Hyperlinks that connect one web page to another.
Ranking Signal
A factor used by search engines to determine the relevance of a web page to a search query.
Google Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
The process of optimizing a website to improve its visibility in search engine results.
A conference for search engine optimization professionals.
Q&A Session
A question and answer session.
A website or platform.
Jennifer Slegg
A search engine optimization professional.
Patrick Stox
A search engine optimization professional.
Ben Fisher
A search engine optimization professional.
Search Engine Land
A website that covers search engine news and trends.
Duy Nguyen
A member of Google's search quality team.
Matt Cutts
A former Googler.
Yom Kippur
A Jewish holiday.
A blog comment platform.
AI-Generated Content
Content created by artificial intelligence.
Link Building
The process of acquiring hyperlinks from other websites to a website.
A file that lists the web pages of a website.
A program that crawls the web and indexes web pages.
A technique used to present different content to search engine spiders than what is presented to users.
Local SEO
The process of optimizing a website to improve its visibility in local search engine results.
PPC Engines
Pay-per-click search engines.
Yahoo SEO
The process of optimizing a website to improve its visibility in Yahoo search engine results.
Yahoo Search Ads
Ads that appear in Yahoo search engine results.
Yahoo Publisher Network
A program that allows website owners to monetize their websites with ads.
A pay-per-click search engine.
SEO Copywriting
The process of writing content for websites with the goal of improving search engine rankings.
Keyword Research
The process of researching and selecting keywords to target in search engine optimization.
Dynamic Site SEO
The process of optimizing a website with dynamic content for search engine visibility.
Ad Email
Email advertising.

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