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Job applicants are battling AI resume filters with a hack


With the increase of job applications due to the tight U.S. labor market, job seekers are turning to a 10-second resume hack called “white fonting” to get past AI bots and filters used in applicant tracking systems. The practice involves copying a list of relevant keywords or the job description itself, pasting it in a resume and changing the font color to white. This is done with the hope that AI bots or digital filters in applicant tracking systems will read the white text and surface the resume for human review. While it may help get a resume seen, employment experts warn that it is a risky shortcut. They advise job seekers to spend time customizing their resume and networking instead.


What is the 10-second resume hack that social media influencers swear by?
The 10-second resume hack that social media influencers swear by is copying a list of relevant keywords or the job description itself, pasting it in a resume and changing the font color to white.

What is the purpose of white fonting a resume?
The purpose of white fonting a resume is to help the resume surface in recruiter searches on online job boards and to bypass AI bots or digital filters in applicant tracking systems.

How do employers use applicant tracking systems and AI to hire?
Employers use applicant tracking systems to manage job openings and candidates, and AI to contextualize and rate a resume based on experience and skillsets, as well as to find specific keywords like skills, job titles or certifications.

What risks come with white fonting a resume?
The risks of white fonting a resume include the text no longer being hidden if the applicant tracking system inputs sections of a resume into the application, and recruiters potentially viewing it as dishonest.

What tips do experts offer for job seekers instead of white fonting?
Experts offer tips for job seekers such as tweaking their resume to include the experiences, skills and results applicable to the job, focusing their efforts on a handful of jobs, going the extra mile to network, and avoiding tricks.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides a great overview of the complexities of the job application process, and how technology is playing a larger role in the hiring process. It offers helpful advice on how to navigate the process and make sure your resume stands out in a sea of applications.

👎 This article fails to address the potential ethical issues with applicants using the white fonting technique, and suggests that it could be beneficial without providing any evidence to back this up. It also fails to provide any insights into how to effectively use technology to further a job search.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how job applicants are battling AI resume filters with a hack called "white fonting". It's a method where you copy a list of relevant keywords and paste it into your resume and change the font color to white, in hopes that AI bots will pick it up for human review. It's gaining traction right now because of the high competition for jobs, but there are some risks to it.

Friend: Interesting. What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, it's important to note that while white fonting may be able to help you get past the first screening, it's not necessarily going to get you hired. There's a chance it could actually hurt your chances if recruiters think you're being dishonest. It's still important to have the right skills and experience for the job, and to spend time to tailor your resume to the job description. Ultimately, it's still a person who decides who gets hired, so it's important to make a good impression.

Action items

Technical terms

AI Resume Filters
Artificial Intelligence (AI) resume filters are computer programs that scan resumes for keywords and other information to determine if a candidate is a good fit for a job.
White Fonting
White fonting is a technique used by job applicants to make their resumes stand out. It involves copying a list of relevant keywords or the job description itself, pasting it in a resume and changing the font color to white. The hope is that AI bots or digital filters in applicant tracking systems read the white text and surface the resume for human review.
Applicant Tracking Systems
Applicant tracking systems (ATS) are software platforms that help manage job openings and candidates. They allow for hiring managers and recruiters to find and prioritize candidates based on fit. Some have AI that contextualizes and rates a resume based on experience and skillsets.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that focuses on creating machines that can think and act like humans. AI is used in many industries, including hiring, to help automate processes and make decisions.
Keywords are words or phrases that are used to describe a particular topic or concept. In the context of job applications, keywords are used to help recruiters and hiring managers find the right candidates for a job.

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