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9 resume red flags that scare off recruiters


This article looks at the resume red flags that scare off recruiters. Recruiting platform Resume Genius recently published its list of worst resume red flags for 2023. Common red flags such as lies and embellishments were noted, as well as less expected red flags like the use of AI to generate resumes and cover letters, lengthy employment gaps, job hopping, and oversharing personal information. Career expert Eva Chan provided insight into what recruiters are looking for and offered tips for avoiding these red flags.


What is the number one red flag recruiters look for on resumes?
The number one red flag recruiters look for on resumes is the use of AI to generate resumes and cover letters.

What percent of college seniors are interested in using ChatGPT or other AI bots to write their resumes or cover letters?
Forty-seven percent of college seniors are interested in using ChatGPT or other AI bots to write their resumes or cover letters.

What are some examples of red flags that recruiters find concerning?
Examples of red flags that recruiters find concerning include lengthy employment gaps, lies and embellishments, excessive job hopping, and oversharing personal information.

What advice does Eva Chan, a career expert at Resume Genius, give job seekers?
Eva Chan, a career expert at Resume Genius, advises job seekers to be prepared to explain any red flags on their resume and to be aware of the trends that recruiters care about.

What trends should job seekers be aware of when crafting their resume?
Job seekers should be aware of trends such as the use of AI to generate resumes and cover letters, as well as keywords that recruiters care about.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides a comprehensive list of the top resume red flags that recruiters look out for. The advice from the career expert is impactful and helpful for job seekers to craft their resumes in a way that stands out to recruiters.

👎 The article does not provide enough tips on how job seekers can avoid these red flags. It would be beneficial to provide more detailed advice on how to specifically address these issues.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about 9 resume red flags that can scare off recruiters. It talks about how using AI to generate resumes and cover letters, lengthy employment gaps, lies and embellishments, excessive job hopping, and oversharing personal information are all red flags that employers look out for.

Friend: Wow, that's really interesting. So that means job seekers need to be extra careful when they're crafting their resumes.

Me: Absolutely. The article suggests that job seekers should keep an eye on trends and keywords that recruiters care about in order to avoid these red flags. It also suggests that applicants should be prepared to explain any red flags that appear on their resumes.

Action items

Technical terms

The process of finding and hiring qualified people for a job.
Red Flags
A warning sign or indication of a potential problem.
A document used by a person to present their backgrounds and skills.
Artificial Intelligence, a technology that enables machines to learn from experience and perform tasks that normally require human intelligence.
A natural language processing system developed by OpenAI that can generate human-like text.
Gen Z
The generation of people born between 1997 and 2012.
A cloud-based human resources and recruiting software company.
Job Hopping
Frequently changing jobs.
Sharing too much information.

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