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The DU Lounge


The DU Lounge is a left-of-center political forum where people, not algorithms, drive the discussions and set the standards. The forum currently has over 90 million posts since 2001. The discussion thread is about looking out for non-verbal children when trick-or-treating, as indicated by a blue pumpkin. People in the discussion provided tips and stories about their own experiences with non-verbal children trick-or-treating.


What is DU Lounge?
DU Lounge is a friendly forum for passionate Democrats.

What is the purpose of the DU Lounge?
The purpose of the DU Lounge is to provide a grassroots left-of-center political community where regular people, not algorithms, drive the discussions and set the standards.

What topics are discussed in the DU Lounge?
Topics discussed in the DU Lounge include General Discussion, Issue Forums, Culture Forums, Alliance Forums, Region Forums, and Support Forums.

What is the "Watch for Blue Pumpkins" initiative?
The "Watch for Blue Pumpkins" initiative is a reminder to be aware of children who may be non-verbal when Trick-or-Treating.

How can users join the DU Lounge?
Users can join the DU Lounge by creating a free account.

AI Comments

πŸ‘ It's great that the DU Lounge provides a friendly and passionate forum for Democrats to discuss the issues that matter to them.

πŸ‘Ž It's concerning that the DU Lounge has not updated their copyright, privacy, terms of service, or contact information for a few years.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about a forum where passionate Democrats can discuss politics and other topics. They have a section for breaking news, issue forums, culture forums, alliance forums, region forums, and support forums. Plus, they have a sign-in feature, so members can keep track of their posts and discussions.

Friend: That's really cool! What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, it shows that there's a need for a space where like-minded people can come together and share their ideas and opinions. It also shows that political discussions can be productive and constructive. It's also a great way for people to stay up to date with the latest news and developments in the political world. Finally, it shows the importance of having a strong online presence for political groups and organizations.

Action items

Technical terms

DU Lounge
DU stands for Democratic Underground, a website for passionate Democrats to discuss politics and current events.
A forum is an online discussion board where users can post messages and reply to other users’ messages.
A post is a message that is posted on a forum.
Sign In
Signing in is the process of entering a username and password to access an account.
Latest Discussions
Latest Discussions refers to the most recent conversations that have been posted on the forum.
Greatest Discussions
Greatest Discussions refers to the most popular conversations that have been posted on the forum.
Latest Videos
Latest Videos refers to the most recent videos that have been posted on the forum.
Latest Breaking News
Latest Breaking News refers to the most recent news stories that have been posted on the forum.
General Discussion
General Discussion is a forum where users can discuss any topic.
Issue Forums
Issue Forums are forums where users can discuss specific topics or issues.
Culture Forums
Culture Forums are forums where users can discuss cultural topics or issues.
Alliance Forums
Alliance Forums are forums where users can discuss topics related to alliances or partnerships.
Region Forums
Region Forums are forums where users can discuss topics related to specific regions.
Support Forums
Support Forums are forums where users can ask for help or support.
Help & Search
Help & Search is a section of the website where users can search for help or information.
Advanced Search
Advanced Search is a feature that allows users to search for specific topics or keywords.
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Star Member
A Star Member is a user who has paid a fee to become a member of the website and receive additional benefits.
Trash Can
The Trash Can is a feature that allows users to delete posts or threads from the website.
Bookmarks are a feature that allows users to save posts or threads for easy access later.
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Edit History is a feature that allows users to view the history of edits made to a post or thread.
Share is a feature that allows users to share posts or threads on social media.
Alert is a feature that allows users to alert the website administrators of rule violations.
Powers are features that allow users to take action

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