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Hiding the keyboard


In this article, Paul Hudson provides steps to fix an annoyance that the keyboard appears for the check amount entry and never goes away. He introduces two new property wrappers, @State and @FocusState, and explains how to use them to solve the problem. Additionally, he explains how to add a toolbar to the keyboard and how to use the Spacer view to push the button to the right. Finally, he announces a 50% discount to celebrate WWDC23 on all books and bundles.


What property wrapper is used to handle input focus in SwiftUI?
The @FocusState property wrapper is used to handle input focus in SwiftUI.

What is the purpose of the ToolbarItemGroup modifier?
The ToolbarItemGroup modifier is used to place one or more buttons in a specific location, such as a keyboard toolbar.

How does the Spacer view affect the toolbar?
The Spacer view pushes other views to one side, depending on where it is used.

What is the purpose of the Button view?
The Button view displays some tappable text and runs code when the button is pressed.

What is the purpose of the @FocusState property?
The @FocusState property is used to determine whether the check amount box should currently have focus and should be receiving text input from the user.

AI Comments

👍 Great article! Learning all these new SwiftUI features has been made easier with this well-explained tutorial.

👎 I'm still confused about some of the concepts mentioned in the article. I wish there were some clearer explanations.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how to hide the keyboard when using SwiftUI. It discusses how to use the @FocusState property wrapper and the ToolbarItemGroup to add a Done button to the keyboard.

Friend: Interesting. That seems like a really useful feature for SwiftUI apps.

Me: Absolutely. It's important for user experience because it makes it easier for users to dismiss the keyboard when it's no longer needed. Plus, it creates a more consistent experience since it follows the same conventions that other iOS apps use.

Action items

Technical terms

A property wrapper in SwiftUI that is specifically designed to handle input focus in user interfaces.
A view in SwiftUI that lets us place one or more buttons in a specific location, such as a keyboard toolbar.
A view in SwiftUI that displays some tappable text.
A view in SwiftUI that is a flexible space by default, pushing other views to one side.

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