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If your UX Portfolio has this 20% Well Done, it Will Give You an 80% Result


This article discusses how to create a successful UX portfolio. It outlines the 20% of effort you should focus on in order to get 80% of results. It suggests 12 items for a successful case study structure, plus 5 items for the overall portfolio website. The article also gives a few golden tips on how to structure a UX portfolio, and suggests imagining oneself as a recruiter looking for someone to improve user experience.


What is the Pareto Principle?
The Pareto Principle, also known as the 80/20 rule, is a phenomenon that states that about 80% of outcomes are generated by 20% of causes.

What are the 12 items to have on a UX portfolio case study?
The 12 items to have on a UX portfolio case study are: Introduction, Problem Statement, Research, Design Process, User Flows, Wireframes, Prototypes, User Testing, Visual Design, Development, Results, and Reflection.

What are the 5 items to include on an overall portfolio page?
The 5 items to include on an overall portfolio page are: About, Projects, Skills, Contact, and Blog.

What are the 20% of effort that should be put into a portfolio?
The 20% of effort that should be put into a portfolio are: focusing on the case study structure, the basics for the overall portfolio website, and the 20% effort that should be put into it.

What would a recruiter be looking for in a case study?
A recruiter would be looking for a case study that includes an introduction, problem statement, research, design process, user flows, wireframes, prototypes, user testing, visual design, development, results, and reflection.

AI Comments

๐Ÿ‘ This is a great article! It provides a comprehensive overview of the 20% of effort you should be focusing on in order to achieve the best results for your UX portfolio. The game exercise is a great way to help readers understand how recruiters think when looking for potential candidates.

๐Ÿ‘Ž This article is a bit too long and could be more concise. It's hard to follow all the points that the author is making and the game exercise isn't very helpful.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how to create a successful UX portfolio. It goes into detail about the 20% effort you should put into it to get 80% results, and also the 12 items you should include in your case study and the 5 items you should have on your overall portfolio page.

Friend: Wow, that's really helpful information. It sounds like it could be really beneficial for anyone looking to create a portfolio that stands out.

Me: Absolutely! It's also important to keep in mind that the 20% effort you put in will be the most important part, so you want to make sure you're focusing on the key elements that will give you the most bang for your buck.

Action items

Technical terms

UX Portfolio
A portfolio of work that showcases a user experience designer's skills and experience.
Pareto Principle
A phenomenon that states that about 80% of outcomes are generated by 20% of causes.
A person who is responsible for finding and hiring new employees for an organization.
Case Study
A detailed analysis of a person or group, especially as a model of medical, psychiatric, psychological, or social phenomena.

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