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Zwaar verlieslijdend Spotify krijgt er wel veel nieuwe luisteraars bij


Spotify heeft meer dan 500 miljoen luisteraars, maar blijft verlies lijden. In het afgelopen kwartaal heeft het bedrijf veel meer nieuwe gebruikers dan verwacht gekregen, maar vooral gratis gebruikers. Europa is niet langer de grootste markt voor Spotify; wat ze 'de rest van de wereld' noemen is nu even groot. Spotify heeft veel geld besteed aan podcasts, waaronder die van Harry en Meghan. Daarnaast heeft het bedrijf 83 miljoen dollar opzij gezet voor afschrijvingen op kantoorpanden. Deze twee bedragen verklaren deels het verlies.


How many new users did Spotify gain in the last quarter?
Spotify gained more than 500 million new users in the last quarter.

How much of Spotify's revenue comes from paid subscribers?
Most of Spotify's revenue comes from paid subscribers.

What is the primary source of Spotify's revenue?
Europe is the primary source of Spotify's revenue.

How much money did Spotify spend on Harry and Meghan's podcasts?
Spotify spent 44 million on Harry and Meghan's podcasts.

What is the total number of active Spotify users?
There are more than 500 million active Spotify users.

AI Comments

👍 Spotify heeft een enorme groei getoond in het aantal nieuwe gebruikers in het afgelopen kwartaal, en heeft meer dan 500 miljoen luisteraars wereldwijd.

👎 Het bedrijf is nog steeds zwaar verlieslijdend, en heeft veel geld uitgegeven aan podcasts, waardoor het verlies alleen maar groter werd.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about Spotify's recent financial results. They had a lot of new users but they're still making a big loss. They had to pay out a lot of money for podcasts like Harry and Meghan's, plus they had to set aside 83 million for office closures due to staff reductions. It's a bit concerning as they still have a lot of listeners yet are still making losses.

Friend: That is concerning. It seems like they've been trying to invest in podcasts to drive growth, but it doesn't seem to be paying off. It's also interesting that Europe is no longer the largest market for Spotify, that now belongs to the "rest of the world".

Me: Yeah, it's a bit worrying. It's not clear if their investments in podcasts are going to pay off, and if they can't make a profit, there could be serious implications for their future. It's also interesting that the majority of their paying users are still from Europe, even though the other markets are bigger.

Action items

Technical terms

Zwaar verlieslijdend
Refers to a company that is consistently making a loss.
A company that provides streaming services, such as music or video.
Subscribers to a service, such as a streaming service.
The global pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus.
Revenue or income generated by a company.
Maandelijks actieve gebruikers
Monthly active users, or people who use a service or product on a regular basis.
Audio recordings, usually in the form of a series, that can be streamed or downloaded.
Depreciation, or the reduction in value of an asset over time.
Listeners, or people who listen to audio recordings.

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