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Mogelijk grootste Nederlandse gebruiker opgepakt in wereldwijde cybercrimezaak


Een 32-jarige Nederlander die in Brazilië woont is gearresteerd in verband met een wereldwijde cybercrimezaak. Hij zou betrokken zijn bij de verkoop van miljoenen gebruikersprofielen op de website Genesis Market, waarmee cybercriminelen zich konden voordoen als slachtoffers om bijvoorbeeld dingen te bestellen of rekeningen te plunderen. De politie denkt dat hij de grootste Nederlandse gebruiker is en mogelijk zelfs tot de top 10 van grootste gebruikers wereldwijd behoort. Er zijn al zeventien Nederlanders gearresteerd in verband met het onderzoek, dat de naam Cookie Monster heeft, en er worden meer aanhoudingen verwacht.


Who was arrested in connection with a worldwide cybercrime case?
A 32-year-old Dutchman living in Brazil was arrested in connection with a worldwide cybercrime case.

Where did the alleged crime take place?
The alleged crime took place on Genesis Market.

What kind of activity was the suspect engaged in?
The suspect was engaged in selling millions of user profiles, which could be used by cybercriminals to impersonate victims and commit fraud.

How many other Dutch nationals have been detained in connection with the investigation?
Seventeen other Dutch nationals have been detained in connection with the investigation.

What is the name of the investigation?
The investigation is called "Cookie Monster".

AI Comments

👍 Goed om te zien dat er wereldwijd hard wordt gewerkt aan het bestrijden van cybercrime.

👎 Het is schokkend te horen dat er zoveel mensen zijn die het slachtoffer zijn geworden van deze criminaliteit.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about a 32-year-old Dutch man who was arrested in Barendrecht as part of a worldwide cybercrime investigation. He was apparently one of the largest Dutch users of a website called Genesis Market, which was used to buy and sell stolen user profiles. With these profiles, criminals could impersonate victims to buy things or steal money.

Friend: Wow, that's serious! It's scary to think that someone could steal that much money without anyone noticing.

Me: Yeah, it definitely is. It's also a reminder that cybercrime is a global issue that can affect us all, regardless of where we live. It's also a reminder that we need to be aware of our online activity and take steps to protect our data.

Action items

Technical terms

Cybercrime case
Genesis Market
Genesis Market is a dark web marketplace that was used to buy and sell stolen user profiles.
For example
Rekeningen plunderen
To plunder accounts
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Tienduizenden euro's
Tens of thousands of euros
Cookie Monster
Cookie Monster is the name of the investigation into the Genesis Market.

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