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Israel is intensifying its military assault on the Gaza Strip by increasing airstrikes and ground forces, and cutting off phone and internet services. Aid groups have lost contact with their staff in Gaza, and the Israeli military spokesperson said they are using "great force" to achieve their objectives. A senior government adviser stated that Hamas would pay for its "crimes," which would lead to Gaza being "very different" when the operation is finished. The discussion on the forum related to this article was focused on the potential outcomes of the military operation and how this may affect the people of Gaza.


What actions is the Israeli military taking in the Gaza Strip?
The Israeli military is intensifying its air and ground operations in the Gaza Strip.

What is the response of the Israeli government and officials?
The Israeli government and officials have said that Hamas will pay for its crimes and that Gaza will be "very different" when the operations are over.

What organizations have lost contact with their staff in Gaza?
The Red Crescent, the World Health Organization, Medecins Sans Frontieres, Unicef and other aid groups have lost contact with their staff in Gaza.

What are the implications of the Israeli military's operations in the Gaza Strip?
The implications of the Israeli military's operations in the Gaza Strip are a communications blackout across the territory and the potential for increased violence.

What is the opinion of the DU community on this issue?
The opinion of the DU community on this issue is not stated in the article.

AI Comments

👍 This is a brilliant move by the Israeli military to cut off Hamas's communication with the outside world.

👎 This is a horrible move by the Israeli military as it will only breed more hatred in the region.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the latest news coming out of the Middle East. Israel is intensifying its assault on Gaza and has cut off communication with the territory.

Friend: Wow, that's really disturbing. It's hard to imagine the kind of suffering people in Gaza are going through right now.

Me: Absolutely. It's also concerning that the Israeli government is taking an aggressive stance and not seeming to consider the humanitarian implications of their actions. This could have a long-term impact on the region and may lead to further tensions.

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An attack by military aircraft on a target.
Red Crescent
An international humanitarian organization that provides emergency medical assistance and other services to people in need.
World Health Organization
A specialized agency of the United Nations that is concerned with international public health.
Medecins Sans Frontieres
An international humanitarian organization that provides medical aid to people in need.
The United Nations Children's Fund, an international organization that provides humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries.
A Palestinian telecommunications company.
Israel Defence Forces, the unified military forces of Israel.
Mark Regev
A senior government adviser in Israel.
Hostage Negotiations
The process of negotiating with a hostage taker in order to secure the release of a hostage.
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