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How to Make a Big Decision, According to Decision Coaches


Making difficult life decisions can be overwhelming, but decision coaches suggest several strategies to make them easier. These include describing the decision in as few words as possible, recording yourself talking through your thoughts and feelings, seeking advice from a neutral third party, writing down values that are important to you, envisioning the future, and making a decision quickly. Recognizing that you can change your mind if the outcome of the decision is not what you expected can also help to make decisions easier.


What strategies can help someone make a difficult decision?
Strategies that can help someone make a difficult decision include describing the decision in as few words as possible, recording oneself talking through thoughts and feelings, speaking with a neutral third party, identifying values, looking to the future, and making the decision quickly.

How can one identify their values to guide a decision?
To identify values to guide a decision, one should make a list of what matters to them and use it to make almost any decision.

What should one consider when debating their decision with a trusted source?
When debating a decision with a trusted source, one should be judicious in who they choose to ask for their opinion and limit the chance of unsought input, emotional investment, and their ability to change one's mind.

How can one use their imagination to make a better decision?
To use one's imagination to make a better decision, one should envision what their ideal life would look like in one, five, and 10 years and write their potential decision on a piece of paper and brainstorm where it could lead them at each of these time increments.

What is the best way to make a decision quickly?
The best way to make a decision quickly is to trust one's first few points of healthy contention and comparison, and not waste precious brain space, time, and energy by letting the process drag on for too long.

AI Comments

๐Ÿ‘ This article offers great tips for making big decisions and is full of useful information.

๐Ÿ‘Ž This article is too long and could be condensed to make the information easier to digest.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about decision-making and how to make big decisions. It talks about how to decide on things like whether or not to move in with your partner or accept a job offer. It also mentions the importance of understanding your values and looking to the future in order to make an informed decision.

Friend: That's really interesting! What implications does it have?

Me: Well, it emphasizes the importance of self-reflection and understanding your values when it comes to making decisions. It also encourages us to trust our instinct and make decisions quickly, without overthinking them. Additionally, it suggests that when making big decisions, it's important to consider the long-term implications and envision what our lives would look like in the future. Finally, it emphasizes that it's okay to change our minds and that the worst-case scenario isn't always that bad.

Action items

Technical terms

Pros-and-cons list
A list of the advantages and disadvantages of a particular decision or course of action.
Habit building
The process of forming a habit or routine.
Neutral third party
A person who is not involved in a situation and is not biased towards any particular outcome.
Information diet
A restriction of the amount of information one consumes.
The process of thinking deeply and objectively about one's own thoughts, feelings, and actions.
To imagine or visualize something in the future.

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