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You Won’t Know, Until You Try


This article discusses the fear of failure and how it often keeps us from trying new things. It encourages readers to look at their fears from a different perspective and to take action instead of being paralyzed by fear. It shares various quotes and anecdotes to illustrate this point, and emphasizes the importance of learning from failure and improving over time. It also suggests various tools and resources for readers looking to take the first step in achieving their dreams.


What is stopping people from trying something new?
Fear of failure is what is stopping people from trying something new.

What did Accidentally Retired do after their mini-retirement?
After their mini-retirement, Accidentally Retired finally worked up the courage to start a blog.

How can people move past fear of failure?
People can move past fear of failure by accepting that they will fail.

What is the best way to overcome fear of failure?
The best way to overcome fear of failure is to accept that you will fail and then start.

What advice does Accidentally Retired have to give about facing failure?
Accidentally Retired's advice about facing failure is to embrace your failures, look them in the eye, and ensure that you learn from your mistakes.

AI Comments

👍 This is an incredibly inspiring article! It was amazing to read about all of the successes someone can experience when they take a risk and go out of their comfort zone. It's great reading material for those who are feeling scared of taking a chance on something new.

👎 This article is overly optimistic and fails to address the difficulties of taking risks and trying something new. It glosses over the reality that sometimes failure can be a result of trying something new, and it can be disheartening and difficult to get back up and try again.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about facing the fear of failure and how it can prevent us from trying new things. It talks about how we should accept failure and use it as a learning experience.

Friend: That's really interesting. It reminds me of something I've been feeling lately. I've been wanting to learn a new language, but I keep putting it off because I'm afraid of failing.

Me: Yeah, I think a lot of us can relate to that. The article makes a really good point that if we don't try something, we'll never know if we can do it. We can't let fear of failure stop us from taking risks and trying something new.

Action items

Technical terms

Financial Independence, Retire Early.
A period of time, usually a few months, where an individual takes a break from their normal life to pursue other interests.
Plutus Awards
An annual awards ceremony that recognizes excellence in the personal finance and fintech space.
Relating to the evolutionary theories of Charles Darwin.
Email List
A list of email addresses used to send out newsletters, promotional materials, or other information.
Twitter Account
A social media platform where users can post short messages, images, and videos.
Failure Resume
A list of failures that an individual has experienced in their life.
Password Manager
A software program used to store and manage passwords.

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