Now, Next, and At Exit: The Three Ways To Evaluate Compensation Before Accepting That New Startup Job

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Nov 22

Nov 22






Salary Benchmarks Are Just a Single Piece of Data

‘Sell calls.’ That’s what a conversation between a job candidate and a VC are called. We’re supposed to help seal the deal, get the person to sign on the line which is dotted [insert Glengarry Glen Ross gif]. Now, I LOVE these conversations with possible new team members, but take a very different approach. I don’t sell them . Instead I try to understand what they’re looking for…

Single Line Text

Follow. Nov 22. Nov 22. · · · · Member-only. Salary Benchmarks Are Just a Single Piece of Data. ‘Sell calls.’ That’s what a conversation between a job candidate and a VC are called. We’re supposed to help seal the deal, get the person to sign on the line which is dotted [insert Glengarry Glen Ross gif]. Now, I LOVE these conversations with possible new team members, but take a very different approach. I don’t sell them . Instead I try to understand what they’re looking for…