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Now, Next, and At Exit: The Three Ways To Evaluate Compensation Before Accepting That New Startup Job


The article discusses the three main ways to evaluate compensation before accepting a job at a startup. These include looking at salary benchmarks, understanding the company's equity options, and negotiating for the best possible package. The author stresses the importance of doing your research and understanding your own goals before entering into any negotiation.


What is the author's opinion on "sell calls" between a job candidate and a VC?
The author believes that "sell calls" are not effective in getting job candidates to sign on the dotted line.

How does the author try to understand what job candidates are looking for?
The author tries to understand what job candidates are looking for by talking to them and asking questions.

What are the three ways to evaluate compensation before accepting a startup job?
The three ways to evaluate compensation before accepting a startup job are now, next, and at exit.

Why is it important to consider more than just salary when evaluating compensation?
It is important to consider more than just salary when evaluating compensation because there are other factors that can affect job satisfaction.

What are some other factors that job candidates should consider when evaluating a startup job?
Some other factors that job candidates should consider when evaluating a startup job are the company culture, the team, and the opportunity for growth.

AI Comments

👍 This is a great article that provides some excellent advice for anyone considering a job with a startup. It's important to understand your compensation package and what you're worth before accepting any job, and this article provides some great tips on how to do that.

👎 This article is complete garbage. Anyone who takes advice from it is an idiot.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how to evaluate compensation before accepting a startup job.

Friend: Yeah, that's something I've been thinking about lately. I'm not sure if I'm getting paid enough at my current job.

Me: Yeah, I can understand that. This article talks about how salary isn't the only thing to consider when evaluating a job offer.

Friend: Yeah, that makes sense. I need to think about other factors like the company's culture, the team I'll be working with, and the long-term prospects of the company.

Me: Exactly. It's important to consider all of those factors when making a decision about a job.

Action items

Technical terms

"Sell calls"
This refers to the conversations that VCs have with job candidates in order to convince them to accept a job offer.
"Sign on the line which is dotted"
This is a reference to the Glengarry Glen Ross movie, in which a salesperson tries to convince a customer to sign a contract.
"I don't sell them"
This refers to the author's approach to these conversations, which is to try to understand what the candidate is looking for, rather than trying to convince them to accept the job.

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