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Australian bartender tells the story of how he once spent $1.6 million in 5 months after discovering an ATM glitch


Dan Saunders, an Australian bartender, discovered an ATM glitch that allowed him to transfer money between accounts and withdraw large sums of money without the accounts appearing overdrawn. He spent $1.6 million in 5 months on wild parties, luxurious hotels, and fancy dinners. After going to newspapers and TV outlets with his story, Saunders was taken to court and spent one year in prison and 18 months on a community corrections order. Afterwards, he returned to work in the hospitality industry and his story is featured on the "Extremes" podcast.


How did an Australian bartender obtain $1.6 million in 5 months?
An Australian bartender obtained $1.6 million in 5 months by duping an ATM.

What was the glitch in the ATM that enabled the bartender to access the money?
The glitch in the ATM allowed the bartender to transfer more money than he actually had in his account and withdraw large sums of cash without the accounts appearing overdrawn.

How did the bank eventually detect the scam?
The bank eventually detected the scam when the bartender stopped making the transfers and the ATM machines went back online.

What legal action was taken against the bartender?
The bartender was taken to court after speaking to newspapers and TV outlets about the incidents. He spent one year in prison and 18-months out on a community corrections order.

What happened after the bartender served his prison sentence?
After serving his prison sentence, the bartender returned to work in the hospitality industry.

AI Comments

👍 This story is incredible! It's inspiring to see how one person was able to come up with a creative solution to get out of a difficult situation.

👎 This story is very concerning. It's alarming to see how someone was able to use an ATM glitch to take advantage of the system and spend money he didn't have.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about an Australian bartender who found a glitch in an ATM and was able to spend $1.6 million in 5 months without the bank noticing. He eventually got caught and spent one year in prison and 18 months out on a community corrections order.

Friend: Wow, that's incredible. It's amazing how he was able to take advantage of the glitch without anyone noticing. It's also really concerning that he was able to take advantage of the glitch for so long without anyone noticing. It makes you wonder how many other people could be doing the same thing.

Me: Exactly! It's definitely an alarming situation. We need to be more vigilant about security and loopholes like this. Banks should be regularly monitoring accounts for suspicious activity. It's also a reminder that we all need to be cautious when using ATMs and other financial services.

Action items

Technical terms

ATM Glitch
An error in an ATM machine that allows a user to transfer more money than they have in their account.
When a bank account has a negative balance due to withdrawals or transfers that exceed the amount of money in the account.
Community Corrections Order
A court-ordered sentence that requires an offender to comply with certain conditions, such as attending counseling or completing community service, in lieu of a prison sentence.

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