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Tragedy of the Uncommon


This article discusses the concept of the tragedy of the uncommon, which is the opposite of the tragedy of the commons. It explains how restricting access to a resource can lead to its destruction and a sub-optimal outcome. The article uses the example of private beaches in Long Island, New York and their contrast to public beaches in Israel to explain this concept. The article then applies this concept to the world of Artificial Intelligence and open-source software, explaining how openness leads to more experimentation, new products, better integration with other services, and possibly faster performance improvements.


How does the tragedy of the uncommon explain certain aspects of American cities and suburbs?
The tragedy of the uncommon explains certain aspects of American cities and suburbs by showing how restricted use of a resource can lead to its destruction and a sub-optimal economic outcome.

How can openness increase the value of public resources?
Openness can increase the value of public resources by allowing access to a larger pool of customers, which can sustain better amenities and restaurants, and justify a deeper integration with private and public transportation systems.

What are the benefits of open-source software in the world of artificial intelligence?
The benefits of open-source software in the world of artificial intelligence include more experimentation, new products, better integration with other services, and possibly faster performance improvements.

How does the tragedy of the uncommon limit the potential of private beaches?
The tragedy of the uncommon limits the potential of private beaches by making them inconvenient to access, having sub-par food compared to other local options, and having limited or no services and amenities.

How can we design environments to prevent tragedies of the uncommon?
We can design environments to prevent tragedies of the uncommon by adopting openness and integration as the default, and by designing systems that allow us to continue to experiment, rather than get locked in.

AI Comments

👍 This is an insightful article that provides a unique perspective on the tragedy of the uncommon and how it affects the value of resources. It also provides practical advice on how to use open-source software and Artificial Intelligence to maximize value.

👎 This article is a bit long-winded and doesn't offer any concrete solutions to the tragedy of the uncommon. It also fails to address the potential benefits of private ownership of resources.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the Tragedy of the Uncommon. It discusses how restricting access to resources can lower their value and why it pays to keep things open. It looks at examples from urban planning and AI.

Friend: Interesting. It makes sense that restricting access would lower a resource's value. What implications does this have?

Me: Well, the article argues that open access should be the default setting when it comes to resources, both physical and digital. This could lead to more experimentation, more products, better integration with other services, and faster performance improvements. It also suggests that we should be constantly assessing our current systems and making sure that they are in the best interest of everyone, not just those who own the resources.

Action items

Technical terms

Tragedy of the Commons
A situation where individuals acting in self-interest can ultimately deplete a shared limited resource, even when it is clear that it is not in anyone's long-term interest for this to happen.
Tragedy of the Uncommon
A situation where the restricted use of a resource leads to its destruction and a sub-optimal outcome. This usually happens when a resource is in private hands.
Open Source Software
Software that is available for anyone to use, modify, and distribute freely.
Practical AI
A course that teaches the latest tools and techniques for using AI for marketing, financial analysis, and general business automation.
A natural language processing tool developed by OpenAI.

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