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I Don't Know


This article explores the phrase "I don't know" and how it applies to investing. It looks at the pitfalls of believing you know the future without a shadow of doubt and shares Bain & Company's study on the private wealth market. It presents a few questions for which the author does not have an answer, such as the sustainability of high levels of government debt, whether asset allocation is the most important driver of returns, what will happen across the food chain of capital in a slowdown, and more. It also shares a personal story about the author's experience with death and how it has reduced his fears.


What is Ted Seides' biggest investment pet peeve?
Ted Seides' biggest investment pet peeve is investors who express absolutes in a world of probabilities.

Is asset allocation the most important driver of returns?
I don't know if asset allocation is the most important driver of returns.

What happens across the food chain of capital in a slowdown?
I don't know what happens across the food chain of capital in a slowdown.

Where will the stock market go?
I don't know where the stock market will go.

Is private credit an opportunity or a risk?
I don't know if private credit is an opportunity or a risk.

AI Comments

👍 The article is written in an informative and thorough manner, with an interesting perspective on investment strategies and the economy.

👎 The article is long and complex, which makes it difficult to understand for beginners.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about investment pet peeves and how investors often act as if they know the future when they don't. It also talks about the different investment questions that investors have to answer and the uncertainty of the outcomes.

Friend: That's an interesting topic. What are the implications of the article?

Me: The article highlights the importance of being humble when it comes to investing and understanding that no one really knows what will occur in the future. It encourages investors to think through different scenarios and to be mindful of the risks associated with each one. It also emphasizes the idea of having a range of possibilities and not relying on only one outcome. Additionally, the article talks about being aware of the liquidity risks that come with investing in private credit and the importance of making sure that there is enough capital to sustain any losses that may occur. Finally, the article makes a point about the importance of having a good understanding of the markets and being aware that the stock market is unpredictable.

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Technical terms

A podcast is an audio or video file that is available online for downloading to a computer or mobile device, typically available as a series, new installments of which can be received by subscribers automatically.
Mini Series
A mini-series is a television program that tells a story in a limited number of episodes.
Sponsored Insights
Sponsored insights are content pieces that are created and distributed by a brand or company to promote their products or services.
Gatherings are events or meetings that bring people together for a common purpose.
University Summits
University summits are events or meetings that bring together university students, faculty, and staff to discuss topics related to the university.
Premium is a term used to describe a product or service that is of higher quality or value than other similar products or services.
A blog is an online journal or informational website displaying information in the reverse chronological order, with the latest posts appearing first.
Advisory is a term used to describe a service that provides advice or guidance to clients.
Sponsors are individuals or organizations that provide financial or other support to an event, activity, or organization.
Job Board
A job board is an online platform that allows employers to post job openings and job seekers to search for and apply to those openings.
A shop is a place where goods and services are sold.
Mailing List
A mailing list is a collection of names and addresses used by an individual or organization to send material to multiple recipients.
Subscribe to Premium
Subscribing to premium is a way to access additional features or content that is not available to non-subscribers.
Download PDF
Downloading a PDF is a way to save a document in a format that can be viewed on any device.
Zero-Coupon Bond
A zero-coupon bond is a bond that does not pay periodic interest payments, but instead is sold at a discount from its face value and matures at its face value.
Mean-Variable Optimization Model
A mean-variable optimization model is a mathematical model used to optimize a portfolio of assets by minimizing the risk of the portfolio while maximizing the expected return.
Asset Allocation
Asset allocation is the process of dividing an investment portfolio among different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and cash.
Private Credit
Private credit

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