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Perturbing mitosis for anti-cancer therapy: is cell death the only answer?


This article discusses the molecular mechanisms of anti-mitotic drugs used in cancer treatment. It outlines the pathways activated by the drugs, which can lead to cell death, mitotic slippage, or senescence, and examines how these drugs may induce clinical efficacy. Furthermore, it discusses the implications of mitotic errors and how they may lead to sterile inflammation.


What is the concept of interfering with mitosis for cancer treatment?
Interfering with mitosis for cancer treatment is an old concept that has proven highly successful in the clinics.

What types of cell death can be caused by microtubule poisons?
Arresting cells in mitosis can promote their demise, at least in a petri dish. Cell death can be caused by mitotic slippage, cell death, or senescence.

How do anti-mitotic drugs activate the spindle assembly checkpoint?
Unattached kinetochores trigger the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC) when anti-mitotic drugs are used.

What are the consequences of mitotic errors on cancer cells?
Cancer cells often find ways to escape mitotic arrest and the signaling pathways activated can lead to mitotic slippage, cell death, or senescence.

How can clinical efficacy of anti-mitotic drugs be improved?
Investigating aspects of cell cycle control, cell death initiation in mitosis and after slippage, at single-cell resolution can help improve the clinical efficacy of anti-mitotic drugs.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an in-depth discussion of the possible mechanisms and pathways controlling cell death in mitosis, as well as secondary consequences of mitotic errors.

👎 This article lacks any discussion of potential side effects or risks associated with perturbing mitosis for anti-cancer therapy.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about perturbing mitosis for anti-cancer therapy and exploring whether cell death is the only answer.

Friend: That's really interesting. What are the implications of the article?

Me: The article suggests that microtubule poisons, which are commonly used to treat various types of cancer, may not always lead to cell death. It also discusses the potential for mitotic slippage, cell death, or senescence, as well as secondary consequences of mitotic errors, such as sterile inflammation. Additionally, the article suggests ways to improve the efficacy of anti-mitotic drugs.

Action items

Technical terms

To disturb or interfere with.
The process of cell division in which the nucleus divides into two daughter nuclei.
Anti-cancer therapy
Treatment for cancer, such as chemotherapy, radiation, or surgery.
Cell death
The process by which a cell is destroyed and no longer functions.
Microtubule poisons
Chemicals that interfere with the microtubules in cells, disrupting the cell's ability to divide.
Spindle Assembly Checkpoint, a mechanism that ensures that all chromosomes are properly attached to the spindle before the cell can divide.
BCL2 family
A family of proteins involved in regulating cell death.
A type of cell death in which the cell breaks down and is recycled by the body.
Mitotic slippage
A process in which cells escape from mitotic arrest and enter a new cell cycle.
A process in which cells stop dividing and enter a state of permanent growth arrest.
Double-stranded DNA, a type of DNA molecule.

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