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Getroffen Nederlandse vakantiegangers rond Gardameer met bussen teruggehaald


Een groep van zo'n 200 Nederlandse vakantiegangers die eerder deze week in het noorden van Italie werd getroffen door noodweer, wordt komende zaterdag opgehaald met bussen. Er zullen zes a zeven bussen zijn met plek voor ongeveer veertig mensen per bus. De getroffen vakantiegangers verbleven op verschillende plaatsen in de buurt van het Gardameer. Door het noodweer kwamen twee mensen om het leven en veel auto’s, campers en caravans werden zwaar beschadigd. Het terughalen van de beschadigde voertuigen zal een grote klus zijn die dagen gaat duren.


How many Dutch vacationers were affected by the storm in Northern Italy?
Approximately 200 Dutch vacationers were affected by the storm in Northern Italy.

How many buses will transport the Dutch vacationers back home?
Six to seven buses will transport the Dutch vacationers back home.

What is the estimated duration of the operation to recover the damaged vehicles?
The estimated duration of the operation to recover the damaged vehicles is several days.

Is there any replacement transport to allow the Dutch vacationers to continue their vacation?
No, there is no replacement transport to allow the Dutch vacationers to continue their vacation.

How many deaths were caused by the storm in Italy?
Two deaths were caused by the storm in Italy.

AI Comments

👍 Wat goed dat de Nederlandse alarmcentrales zo snel hebben gehandeld om de getroffen vakantiegangers terug naar Nederland te brengen!

👎 Het is helaas te laat voor de twee personen die het leven hebben verloren door het noodweer.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about a group of 200 Dutch vacationers who were affected by a storm in northern Italy. They are going to be picked up in buses this Saturday.

Friend: Wow, that's really sad. It's really inconvenient for them to have to cut their vacation short like that.

Me: Yeah, it's definitely not ideal. But it could have been worse. The article mentioned two deaths in other parts of Italy due to the storm.

Friend: That's true. At least everyone in the group was able to be rescued safely. It's also really impressive that the alarm centers managed to organize transport for them all within a few days.

Action items

Technical terms

Affected or hit.
Lake Garda.
SOS International
An international emergency response organization.
Dutch news agency.
Vervangend vervoer
Replacement transport.
Aid organizations.
Severe weather.
Dutch automobile association.
City in northern Italy.
Milan, Italy.
Severe weather.

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