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This article is about a 100-year-old recording of a prayer by Abdulhamid Han, a Turkish composer. The recording was uploaded to YouTube and is accompanied by a description of the prayer, as well as a link to the NFL Sunday Ticket.


Who is the subject of the article?
The subject of the article is Abdulhamid Han.

What is the article about?
The article is about a 100-year-old sound recording of a duasi (prayer) by Abdulhamid Han.

What is the source of the 100-year-old sound recording?
The source of the 100-year-old sound recording is YouTube.

How was the recording made?
The recording was made using a microphone.

What are the terms and conditions of using the recording?
The terms and conditions of using the recording are outlined in YouTube's Privacy Policy and Safety guidelines.

AI Comments

👍 This is a great article about the 100-year old prayer recording of Abdulhamid Han. It is so inspiring to hear his voice from so long ago!

👎 This article is not very informative. It does not provide much information about the recording or its significance.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about a 100-year-old sound recording of a dua, or Islamic prayer, by Abdulhamid Han. It's really cool!

Friend: Wow, that's amazing! It's incredible that something from so long ago still exists.

Me: Absolutely! It's a reminder of the importance of preserving our cultural heritage. It's also a reminder of the power of prayer, as this recording is still providing spiritual guidance to people today. Plus, it highlights the importance of technology in preserving our history.

Action items

Technical terms

This is a prayer by Abdulhamid Han, a former Ottoman Sultan.
This is a 100-year-old audio recording of the prayer.
YouTube is an online video-sharing platform owned by Google.
This is a section of the YouTube website that provides information about the company.
This is a section of the YouTube website that provides news and updates about the company.
This is a legal concept that grants creators exclusive rights to their work.
Contact Us
This is a section of the YouTube website that provides contact information for the company.
This is a section of the YouTube website that provides resources and tools for content creators.
This is a section of the YouTube website that provides information about advertising on the platform.
This is a section of the YouTube website that provides resources and tools for developers.
This is a section of the YouTube website that outlines the terms of service for the platform.
This is a section of the YouTube website that outlines the privacy policy for the platform.
Policy & Safety
This is a section of the YouTube website that outlines the policies and safety guidelines for the platform.
How YouTube Works
This is a section of the YouTube website that provides information about how the platform works.
Test New Features
This is a section of the YouTube website that allows users to test new features before they are released.
NFL Sunday Ticket
This is a subscription service offered by the National Football League that allows users to watch live NFL games.

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