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Design, molecular modelling and synthesis of novel benzothiazole derivatives as BCL-2 inhibitors


In this article, the authors describe the design, molecular modeling, and synthesis of novel benzothiazole-based molecules as BCL-2 inhibitors. The authors designed 33 molecules and tested them for their BCL-2 inhibitory activity. Compounds 13c and 13d showed the highest activity with IC 50 values of 0.471 and 0.363 µM, respectively. The authors also performed molecular docking studies and structure-activity relationship studies to better understand the effects of structural modifications on inhibitory activity.


What role does apoptosis play in cancer pathogenesis and drug resistance?
Apoptosis plays a crucial role in cancer pathogenesis and drug resistance.

What role does the BCL-2 family of enzymes play in apoptosis?
The BCL-2 family of enzymes is involved in regulating apoptosis.

How many novel benzothiazole-based molecules were designed, synthesized and tested for their BCL-2 inhibitory activity?
33 novel benzothiazole-based molecules were designed, synthesized and tested for their BCL-2 inhibitory activity.

What is the highest activity with IC50 values achieved by the synthesized compounds?
The highest activity with IC50 values achieved by the synthesized compounds was 0.471 and 0.363 µM.

What are the six physicochemical properties that determine the bioavailability of the synthesized compounds?
The six physicochemical properties that determine the bioavailability of the synthesized compounds are number of rotatable bonds, solubility ESOL, molecular weight, logP, hydrogen bond acceptors, and hydrogen bond donors.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides an excellent overview of the design, molecular modelling, and synthesis of novel benzothiazole derivatives as BCL-2 inhibitors. The authors provide detailed information on the synthesis of the compounds, their inhibitory activities, and their interactions with the lead compound.

👎 The article does not provide any information on the potential side effects of these compounds. Additionally, the authors do not discuss the implications of their research on clinical applications.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the design, molecular modelling and synthesis of novel benzothiazole derivatives as BCL-2 inhibitors. Basically, it talks about the potential of these compounds to be used as effective cancer treatments.

Friend: That's really interesting. What are the implications of this research?

Me: Well, this research could lead to newer and more effective cancer treatments. It also shows potential for improved understanding of apoptosis and how it contributes to cancer pathogenesis and drug resistance. Additionally, the molecular docking studies of the synthesized compounds show they have the potential to interact with the lead compound, making them potentially more effective than other existing treatments.

Action items

Technical terms

The process of creating a plan or solution to a problem.
Molecular modelling
The use of computer software to simulate and predict the behavior of molecules.
The process of combining two or more substances to form a new compound.
A heterocyclic aromatic organic compound containing a benzene ring and a thiazole ring.
A family of proteins involved in regulating apoptosis, or programmed cell death.
A substance that reduces or prevents the activity of an enzyme or other biological molecule.
Scaffold hopping
A drug design strategy that involves the modification of a known drug scaffold to create a new drug with improved properties.
Molecular docking
A computer-aided drug design technique used to predict the binding affinity of a ligand to a target protein.
Structure-activity relationship
A method used to analyze the relationship between the structure of a molecule and its biological activity.

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