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Daily Crunch: Google upgrades Search, Shopping and Maps with more data, AR and accessibility


1. Google has announced upgrades to Search, Shopping, and Maps that include more data, AR, and accessibility features. 2. Index Ventures is betting that the economic downturn will inspire the creation of more startups and has put $300 million towards that goal. 3. Mozilla's "State of Mozilla" report was released today, and it shows that the company is planning to focus more on Firefox in the coming year. 4. Palo Alto Networks is rumored to be buying Cider Security in a deal that could be worth up to $300 million. 5. Cryptocurrency VCs are worried that fallout from FTX's collapse will make it harder to get limited partners on board for future funds. 6. SaaS startups that ignored VC advice to cut sales and marketing outlays this year are in a better position than those that followed the advice.


What new features does Google have for Search, Shopping, and Maps?
Google has new features for Search, Shopping, and Maps that include more data, AR, and accessibility.

How much money is Index Ventures betting that the economic downturn will inspire the creation of more startups?
Index Ventures is betting that the economic downturn will inspire the creation of more startups and is putting $300 million on that horse to win.

How does Mozilla see its next chapter?
Mozilla sees its next chapter as focused on Firefox and the company's other products.

What are the consequences of FTX's collapse?
The consequences of FTX's collapse include the loss of jobs and the difficulty of getting limited partners on board for future funds.

What is the difference between companies that cut and companies that didn't cut spending on sales and marketing?
The difference between companies that cut and companies that didn't cut spending on sales and marketing is that the latter were in a better financial and growth position.

AI Comments

đź‘Ť It's great to see Google making its products more accessible!

đź‘Ž I'm tired of Google making so many changes, I just want to be able to use the products I'm familiar with.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how SaaS startups that ignored VC advice to cut sales and marketing were better off this year.

Friend: Interesting. I would have thought that they would have been better off if they had cut costs.

Me: Apparently not. The data from Capchase shows that "companies that didn’t cut spending on sales and marketing were in a better financial and growth position now than those that did when the market started to dip in 2022."

Friend: That's definitely something to think about. I wonder if that advice would hold true for all startups, or just SaaS startups.

Action items

Technical terms

"Daily Crunch"
a daily email newsletter from TechCrunch with the day's biggest stories
"Google upgrades"
Google makes improvements to its products
"Search, Shopping and Maps"
Google's products
"more data, AR and accessibility"
additional features for users
augmented reality
making products available to more people

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