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The Secret to Unlocking Your Directors’ Leadership Potential


This article discusses the challenges of directors who have been thrust into director-level roles without proper preparation, and the need for organizations to invest in the leadership development of these directors. It suggests that cohort programs - which include elements to increase self-awareness, 360-degree assessments, and group and individual coaching - be used to develop critical topics including: engaging others around the strategy, delegating, team leadership, and time management. It also recommends ways to reinforce learning outcomes, such as providing ongoing coaching and creating systems for ongoing support.


What challenges do directors face when transitioning into a director or other senior leadership role?
Directors face challenges with communicating strategies, delegating, team leadership, and time management when transitioning into a director or other senior leadership role.

What are some signs that an organization should focus on the leadership development of their directors?
Signs that an organization should focus on the leadership development of their directors include high turnover in the director role or in the managers who work under them, newly formed leadership teams, and lack of strategic activity from the director role.

What are some elements that should be included in a director development experience?
Elements that should be included in a director development experience include increasing self-awareness of leadership capabilities, 360-degree assessments, group and/or individual coaching, and activities that examine a real business challenge or opportunity through different functional perspectives.

What are the key capabilities needed for successful director leadership?
The key capabilities needed for successful director leadership include enterprise perspective, lateral agility, time management, teambuilding, and delegation.

How can organizations ensure the success of their director training and coaching programs?
Organizations can ensure the success of their director training and coaching programs by aligning compensation and performance management systems with the desired behavior, periodically checking in to ensure the learning and skills development are sticking, offering ongoing coaching or future programs to reinforce learning outcomes, and creating ways for the cohort of directors to connect and maintain a sense of community outside of their area or department.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides valuable insights on how organizations can better prepare their directors for success in leadership roles. The solutions suggested here are practical and helpful in creating a better environment for directors to develop their skills.

👎 This article does not provide concrete solutions for organizations and directors to use when it comes to developing leadership potential. There is also a lack of information on how to measure the effectiveness of directors.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how to unlock leadership potential in directors. It talks about the challenges of navigating a series of layoffs, integrating senior teams, and spurring company innovation. It also mentions the lack of communication between different departments that we have seen during the pandemic.

Friend: Interesting. What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, it implies that organizations need to invest in the development of their directors to ensure that they have the skills and relationships necessary for success in their roles. It also suggests that organizations need to design effective development experiences for directors, such as cohort programs and 360-degree assessments. Finally, it suggests that organizations should put systems in place to reinforce the learning and development of their directors, such as offering ongoing coaching and support.

Action items

Technical terms

Cohort Program
A cohort program is a type of training program that brings together a group of people who share a common goal or experience. The program typically involves a series of activities and discussions that help the participants learn from each other and develop their skills.
360-Degree Assessment
A 360-degree assessment is a type of performance evaluation that collects feedback from a variety of sources, including peers, supervisors, and subordinates. It is used to gain a comprehensive view of an individual’s performance and identify areas for improvement.
Delegation is the process of assigning tasks and responsibilities to others in order to achieve a goal. It involves assigning authority and responsibility to another person, while still retaining overall control of the task.
Time Management
Time management is the process of planning and organizing activities in order to make the most efficient use of time. It involves setting goals, prioritizing tasks, and scheduling activities in order to achieve desired outcomes.
Lateral Agility
Lateral agility is the ability to move quickly and easily between different tasks, roles, or departments. It involves being able to quickly adapt to changing circumstances and to think and act strategically.

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