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Musk has already axed the Twitter ad exec he reportedly convinced to stay


Robin Wheeler, Twitter's head of ad sales, has been fired from the company, just over a week after Elon Musk reportedly convinced her not to resign. It's the latest twist in the story of ad sales executives at Twitter, which has seen a lot of turnover in recent months.


Who is Robin Wheeler?
Robin Wheeler is the head of ad sales at Twitter.

What did Robin Wheeler do?
Robin Wheeler resigned from her position at Twitter, then un-resigned, and has now reportedly been fired.

Why did Robin Wheeler do it?
It is unclear why Robin Wheeler took these actions.

How did Elon Musk react?
Elon Musk reportedly convinced Robin Wheeler to stay at Twitter when she initially resigned.

What is the result of Robin Wheeler's actions?
The result of Robin Wheeler's actions is that she is no longer employed by Twitter.

AI Comments

👍 It's good that Robin Wheeler has left the company. She was a bad influence on the company.

👎 This is yet another example of the instability of Twitter. The company is in a constant state of flux and it's hard to keep up with the changes.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about Robin Wheeler, Twitter's head of ad sales. She resigned, then un-resigned, and now she's reportedly been fired.

Friend: Oh. Do you think she was fired because of the whole situation with Elon Musk?

Me: It's possible. I'm not sure. But it's definitely a possibility.

Friend: Yeah, that makes sense. I wonder if this will have any implications for Twitter's ad sales.

Me: I'm not sure. But it's definitely something to think about.

Action items

Technical terms

Twitter ad exec
an advertising executive who works for Twitter
to withdraw or cancel a resignation
to be dismissed from one's job
retention period
the length of time that someone is required to stay in a job or position before they are eligible to leave

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