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Non-English speakers are shut out of the top jobs


This article discusses the difficulties that non-English speakers face when trying to get top jobs. The article also includes information about the availability of the Financial Times, subscription packages and their benefits, and payment options. It also provides a brief overview of the different sections of the Financial Times, such as World, US, Companies, Tech, Markets, Climate, Opinion, Work & Careers, Life & Arts, and Personal Finance.


What are the negative implications of non-English speakers being shut out of top jobs?
Non-English speakers being shut out of top jobs can lead to a lack of diversity in the workplace, a lack of access to opportunities, and a lack of representation in leadership roles.

What solutions can be used to make the job market more accessible to those who don't speak English?
Solutions to make the job market more accessible to those who don't speak English include providing language classes, offering translation services, and providing resources to help non-English speakers learn the language.

How is the US economy, companies and politics being affected by the lack of access to top jobs for non-English speakers?
The US economy, companies and politics are being affected by the lack of access to top jobs for non-English speakers as it limits the potential talent pool and can lead to a lack of diversity in the workplace.

How have different countries responded to the challenge of non-English speakers being shut out of top jobs?
Different countries have responded to the challenge of non-English speakers being shut out of top jobs by providing language classes, offering translation services, and providing resources to help non-English speakers learn the language.

What impact is the language barrier having on different areas, such as the economy, politics and industries?
The language barrier is having an impact on different areas, such as the economy, politics and industries, by limiting the potential talent pool and leading to a lack of diversity in the workplace.

AI Comments

👍 The Financial Times offers a great level of depth and detail in their coverage of global news and financial markets.

👎 Non-English speakers are shut out of the top jobs, making it difficult for those with limited English language skills to access the same opportunities.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how non-English speakers are shut out of the top jobs and how this may have an impact on underrepresented communities. It's a really important issue that needs to be addressed.

Friend: That's really concerning. It's really unfair that people who don't have mastery of the English language are shut out of these opportunities. It's very unjust, and it could create a lot of inequality in the workforce.

Me: Exactly. And this could also mean that people who are qualified and capable are not given the chance to prove themselves. It's important to make sure that language is not used as a barrier to accessing opportunities. We need to make sure that people are given a fair chance to succeed, regardless of their language proficiency.

Action items

Technical terms

Non-English speakers
People who do not speak English as their first language.
Accessibility help
Assistance for people with disabilities to access websites or other digital content.
Skip to navigation
A feature on a website that allows users to quickly jump to the navigation menu.
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A feature on a website that allows users to quickly jump to the main content of the page.
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A feature on a website that allows users to quickly jump to the footer of the page.
Sign In
A feature on a website that allows users to log in to their account.
A feature on a website that allows users to sign up for a subscription service.
Open side navigation menu
A feature on a website that allows users to open a side navigation menu.
Open search bar
A feature on a website that allows users to open a search bar.
A feature on the Financial Times website that allows users to save articles and create customised news feeds.
Close search bar
A feature on a website that allows users to close a search bar.
Hear it from the experts
A phrase used to encourage readers to subscribe to the Financial Times to access expert insights and opinions.
Trial subscription
A subscription offered by the Financial Times that allows users to access the website for a limited period of time.
Standard Digital
A subscription package offered by the Financial Times that includes access to global news, analysis and expert opinion.
Premium Digital
A subscription package offered by the Financial Times that includes access to the premier business column, Lex, as well as 15 curated newsletters.
Credit card, debit card and PayPal payments
Payment methods accepted by the Financial Times.

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