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August 2023 Auction Ends the Night at $700,000 – Hollywood Autograph Collection Doubles Estimate, Smashing Consignor’s Expectations


An auction of Hollywood autographs ended on August 2023 with the final sale of a collection reaching $700,000, far exceeding the expectations of the consignor. This remarkable result doubled the estimated value of the collection.


What was the total amount raised from the August 2023 auction?
The total amount raised from the August 2023 auction was $700,000.

What was the estimated value of the Hollywood Autograph Collection sold?
The estimated value of the Hollywood Autograph Collection sold was $350,000.

What were the consignor's expectations for the Hollywood Autograph Collection?
The consignor's expectations for the Hollywood Autograph Collection were that it would sell for the estimated value of $350,000.

How much did the Hollywood Autograph Collection eventually sell for?
The Hollywood Autograph Collection eventually sold for $700,000.

How did the sale of the Hollywood Autograph Collection compare to the consignor's expectations?
The sale of the Hollywood Autograph Collection doubled the consignor's expectations.

AI Comments

👍 The August 2023 auction was a huge success, with the Hollywood Autograph Collection doubling its estimates and smashing the consignor's expectations.

👎 Despite the success of the August 2023 auction, many collectors were disappointed with the final price of $700,000, which was lower than expected.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about an auction that ended the night at $700,000 for a Hollywood autograph collection that doubled its estimated value.

Friend: Wow, that's amazing! What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, it's a great reminder that Hollywood autographs can be incredibly valuable. It's also a reminder of the power of auctions - if a consignor has the right item, they can make a lot of money from the bidding process. It also shows that these items can be worth more than what people initially think.

Action items

Technical terms

An auction is a process of buying and selling goods or services by offering them up for bid, taking bids, and then selling the item to the highest bidder.
An estimate is an approximate calculation or judgment of the value, number, quantity, or extent of something.
A consignor is a person or company that sends goods to an auction house or other venue for sale.
Expectations are beliefs about what will happen in the future.

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