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How To Move Into A New Career Without Starting From The Bottom


In this article, Natasha shares advice on how to transition into a new career without starting from the bottom. She encourages people to become an 'insider' in their new field by playing the 'do' and 'connect' game; doing activities related to their desired career and connecting with people in the industry. This approach will help them gain knowledge, confidence, and connections that will make them an 'insider' even before they've gotten a job, and will help them stand out when they are applying for jobs.


What are the two main ways to become an 'insider' in a new field?
The two main ways to become an 'insider' in a new field are to 'do' like an insider and to 'connect' like an insider.

How can pretending to be what you want to be assist in becoming more of an 'insider'?
Pretending to be what you want to be can help you start 'being' what you want to be without getting paid for it. It can also help you start living a double life, building up experience, knowledge, and connections that make you no longer an 'outsider' to the industry.

What is the importance of offering value and creating meaningful connections in the process of transitioning into a new career?
Offering value and creating meaningful connections is important in the process of transitioning into a new career because it helps you create a two-way connection with people in the industry and be taken more seriously. It also helps you avoid the feeling of being an 'outsider' and starting from the bottom.

How can relating to yourself as an 'insider' affect the way people see you?
Relating to yourself as an 'insider' can affect the way people see you by making them relate to you as an insider. It can also help you approach people with the confidence and authentic, human-to-human approach of someone other than someone who belongs at the bottom of the ladder.

What is one way that Natasha suggests taking action to become an 'insider' without starting from the bottom?
One way that Natasha suggests taking action to become an 'insider' without starting from the bottom is to focus on looking for ways to make meaningful connections with people who work in the dream industry, rather than spending hours scouring job sites. She also suggests approaching people with the intention of getting to know them and offering value, rather than seeking a job.

AI Comments

👍 This article is full of helpful advice and provides a great insight into how you can become an 'insider' in a new industry without having to start from the bottom.

👎 This article is too long and could have been condensed to make it easier to read.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about moving into a new career without starting from the bottom. It talks about how to become an insider while still on the outside. It suggests taking action and connecting with people in the industry to gain experience and knowledge.

Friend: That's interesting. It makes a lot of sense. It seems like a great way to transition to a new field without having to start from scratch.

Me: Definitely. It could be a great way to gain the necessary experience and knowledge to be taken seriously in the field. It could also help build meaningful connections and relationships with people in the industry.

Friend: Right. It could also help you get noticed and be seen as a valuable asset in the industry. It could be a good way to land an opportunity in your new career.

Action items

Technical terms

Rat Race
A phrase used to describe a lifestyle of working hard and competing with others to achieve success.
A phrase or statement that is repeated often, used to focus the mind and help achieve a desired outcome.
A brand of plastic containers used for storing food.
Neurotically Organised
A person who is very organised and pays attention to detail.
Showing respect and obedience to someone in a position of authority.
Acting in a suspicious or untrustworthy manner.
Relating to a business transaction or exchange of goods or services.
Limiting Beliefs
A belief that restricts a person's potential or ability to achieve something.

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