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Sci-Hub | Regulation of microRNA biogenesis and its crosstalk with other cellular pathways. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology | 10.1038/s41580-018-0059-1


This article discusses Sci-Hub, a website that provides free access to scientific research, and how it is related to the regulation of microRNA biogenesis and its interactions with other cellular pathways. It explains how Sci-Hub is helping to promote open access to scientific knowledge and how it is providing researchers with greater access to research materials. The article also examines the potential implications of Sci-Hub for scientific research and innovation.


What is Sci-Hub and how does it facilitate open science?
Sci-Hub is an online platform that provides free access to scientific research papers and facilitates open science by making research more accessible.

What role do microRNAs play in cellular pathways?
MicroRNAs are small non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression and play an important role in cellular pathways.

How is the regulation of microRNA biogenesis studied?
The regulation of microRNA biogenesis is studied by examining the mechanisms of microRNA production, processing, and degradation.

What are the implications of crosstalk between microRNA biogenesis and other cellular pathways?
Crosstalk between microRNA biogenesis and other cellular pathways can affect the expression of genes and the functioning of cells.

What strategies could be employed to further explore the regulation of microRNA biogenesis?
Strategies such as gene editing, computational modeling, and high-throughput sequencing could be employed to further explore the regulation of microRNA biogenesis.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides a great overview of the regulation of microRNA biogenesis and its crosstalk with other cellular pathways. Sci Hub is a great resource for open science.

👎 The article does not provide enough detail or information about potential implications of the regulation of microRNA biogenesis in other areas. Additionally, there is no discussion about the potential impacts of Sci Hub on scientific research.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about Sci-Hub, which is a platform that enables users to access scientific literature without paying for it. It's a controversial topic because it goes against copyright regulations, and it has implications for the future of science publishing.

Friend: That's interesting. What are the implications?

Me: Well, it could be a huge benefit to researchers who don't have access to expensive journals, but it could also threaten the traditional business model of scientific publishing. It could also lead to a decrease in quality control, since anyone can publish articles. On the flip side, it could lead to more open access to scientific information, which could help accelerate scientific progress.

Action items

Technical terms

Sci-Hub is a website that provides free access to millions of scientific papers and books, bypassing publisher paywalls. It was founded by Alexandra Elbakyan in 2011 and is based in Russia.
Regulation of microRNA biogenesis
MicroRNA biogenesis is the process by which microRNAs (miRNAs) are produced from their precursor molecules. MiRNAs are small, non-coding RNAs that regulate gene expression and play important roles in many biological processes.
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology
Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes reviews and research articles on all aspects of molecular and cellular biology.
This is the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for the article “Regulation of microRNA biogenesis and its crosstalk with other cellular pathways”, published in Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology.
sci hub to open science
This phrase refers to the mission of Sci-Hub, which is to make scientific knowledge freely available to everyone.

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