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Amerikaanse voetbalfans bepalen het straatbeeld: 'Wij zijn ook heel fanatiek'


Voetbalgekte is merkbaar in Wellington, Nieuw-Zeeland, waar Nederland komende nacht om 03:00 uur (Nederlandse tijd) speelt tegen de Verenigde Staten, de beste nationale voetbalploeg bij de vrouwen ter wereld. Er zijn zo'n 20.000 Amerikanen in Nieuw-Zeeland voor dit toernooi en de Amerikaanse vriendinnen Lulu Nicks, Gwen Sabo en Fran Zimmerman hebben er een vakantie van gemaakt. Ze verkleden zich als het Vrijheidsbeeld. Het Sky Stadium in Wellington is zo goed als uitverkocht en er worden veel Amerikaanse fans verwacht. De fanatieke fans sluiten zich in Wellington aan bij de American Outlaws en volgen zoveel mogelijk wedstrijden tijdens het WK, ongeacht wie er speelt. Hoewel de VS de nummer 1 is van de wereld, gaan de Amerikaanse fans er niet vanuit dat de wedstrijd een makkie wordt.


What time do the Netherlands and the United States kick off their match in Wellington?
The Netherlands and the United States kick off their match in Wellington at 03:00 (Nederlandse tijd).

How many American fans are estimated to be in New Zealand for the tournament?
It is estimated that there are around 20,000 American fans in New Zealand for the tournament.

How did the American friends Lulu Nicks, Gwen Sabo and Fran Zimmerman dress up for the game?
The American friends Lulu Nicks, Gwen Sabo and Fran Zimmerman dressed up as the Statue of Liberty, in a long turquoise gown, with a crown and an inflatable torch.

How many Dutch people have tickets for the match in Wellington?
Approximately 32,000 people have tickets for the match in Wellington, of which around 1,200 have Dutch nationality.

How many of the 23 players on the US team are playing in their first World Cup?
14 of the 23 players on the US team are playing in their first World Cup.

AI Comments

👍 This article paints a great picture of American football fans and how excited they are to be in New Zealand for the World Cup. It also shows the strong bond of friendship between the three American women.

👎 The article does not mention any potential cultural issues that may arise from having such a large number of American fans in New Zealand.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the American football fans who are dominating the streets in Wellington in anticipation of the Netherlands vs USA match. It talks about how the American fans are just as passionate as the Dutch fans and how they have done a lot of traveling to come and support their team.

Friend: Wow, that's really impressive. It really shows how dedicated the American fans are to their team.

Me: Yeah, and it's interesting to see how the American fans are taking the lead in organizing fan events, such as the American Outlaws gathering before the game. It's also significant that the Americans are outnumbering the Dutch in terms of numbers, which could have an impact on the atmosphere of the match.

Action items

Technical terms

Amerikaanse voetbalfans
American football fans
WK voetbal
World Cup Football
Orange (the Dutch national team)
Verenigde Staten
United States
FIFA Fan Zone
Statue of Liberty
George Washington
George Washington (first President of the United States)
Sky Stadium
Sky Stadium (a stadium in Wellington, New Zealand)
Royal Dutch Football Association
American Outlaws
American Outlaws (a fan club for American football fans)
Megan Rapinoe
Megan Rapinoe (an American soccer player)

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