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UK manufacturers cut hiring plans amid ‘sharp slowdown’, survey finds


UK manufacturers are cutting back their recruitment plans due to a slowdown in orders from domestic and overseas customers. Make UK, the industry lobby group, has predicted that manufacturing output will fall by 0.5% this year. This comes as a result of a "potent cocktail" of rising interest rates, cost of living and slowing overseas markets. Heather Boushey from the White House Council of Economic Advisers has suggested that countries such as the UK should invest in green initiatives to help boost growth and energy security.


What are UK manufacturers doing in response to a sharp slowdown?
UK manufacturers are cutting their recruitment plans in response to a sharp slowdown.

What is Make UK's forecast for the manufacturing output this year?
Make UK predicts that manufacturing output will fall by 0.5% this year.

How have recent surveys of purchasing managers revealed about the UK manufacturing industry?
Recent surveys of purchasing managers have shown that the UK manufacturing industry's downturn deepened as a weakening economic backdrop led to falls in output and orders in August.

What incentives do firms believe make it difficult to invest in the UK?
Firms believe that incentives offered overseas, such as the US Inflation Reduction Act, make it difficult to justify investing in the UK.

How can countries including the UK reboot economic growth and protect against future inflation shocks?
Countries including the UK must ramp up green investment to reboot economic growth, boost energy security and protect against future inflation shocks.

AI Comments

👍 This article highlights the importance of green investment as a way to reboot economic growth and protect against future inflation shocks.

👎 This survey shows that UK manufacturers are significantly reducing recruitment plans due to a slowdown in orders and a weakening economic backdrop.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about UK manufacturers cutting their recruitment plans due to a slowdown in orders and a potential downturn looming. Make UK has now forecasted that manufacturing output will fall by 0.5% this year.

Friend: That's not good news. What are the implications of this?

Me: Well, it means that employment opportunities in the manufacturing sector are going to be limited, and it also means that the UK economy is likely to suffer. It also suggests that countries like the UK need to invest in green technologies to boost economic growth and energy security.

Action items

Technical terms

Manufacturing sector
The manufacturing sector is a category of economic activity that involves the production of goods and services. It includes industries such as automotive, aerospace, chemicals, electronics, food and beverage, and pharmaceuticals.
Interest rates
Interest rates refer to the cost of borrowing money. They are set by central banks and are used to influence the level of economic activity in an economy.
Inflation is a sustained increase in the general level of prices for goods and services. It is measured as an annual percentage increase.
UK cost of living crisis
The UK cost of living crisis is a term used to describe the rising cost of living in the UK, which has outpaced wage growth in recent years.
Job hunting
Job hunting is the process of searching for a job. It involves researching potential employers, networking, and applying for jobs.
Economics is the study of how individuals, businesses, and governments make decisions about the allocation of resources.
Green economy
The green economy is an economic system that is focused on sustainability and environmental protection. It involves the use of renewable energy sources, the development of green technologies, and the promotion of green jobs.

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