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America Is Now A Zombie State


In this article, Jacob Howland examines the current state of the US in 2023, characterizing the current political landscape as a "tawdry theatrocracy" in which political actors, hypokritai, play stock characters in a loathsome farce. He argues that the American regime has become a zombie state, suffering from bad education, corruption, and a lack of constructive energy, resulting in cultural exhaustion, social withdrawal, and the general enfeeblement of life forces. Ultimately, the author suggests that nihilism is the practical expression of a will to nothing, and that destruction is easier and more economical than building.


How has the US become a tawdry theatrocracy in the run-up to the 2024 elections?
The US has become a tawdry theatrocracy in the run-up to the 2024 elections because Donald Trump and Joe Biden are playing stock characters in a loathsome farce, and their vices do not matter to their followers who love their man precisely because he is not the hated other.

What is the problem beyond the presidential dementia that is leading to the decaying of the American experiment in ordered liberty?
The problem beyond the presidential dementia that is leading to the decaying of the American experiment in ordered liberty is that the US Senate looks more like the waiting room of a geriatric neurologist than a council of wise elders, and the grassroots politics that Tocqueville admired when he visited the US in the 1830s has given way to the top-down astroturfing of technocratic managerialism.

What is contributing to the zombification of the US Capitol?
The zombification of the US Capitol is a symptom of the underlying disease of the lack of regular infusions of constructive energy into politics. The major parties no longer grow organically from their voters, and insurgent candidates are censored and met with active resistance.

What is causing the cultural exhaustion, social withdrawal, and general enfeeblement of life forces in the US?
The cultural exhaustion, social withdrawal, and general enfeeblement of life forces in the US is caused by Americans marrying less and later, having too few children, and public schools ceasing to transmit the accumulated knowledge and civilisational wisdom of the past to the children they do have. There is also a taste for historical repudiation that is leading to censorship and rewriting of books.

How is technology exacerbating the national enervation of the US?
Technology is exacerbating the national enervation of the US by draining psychic energy with insistent distractions and overloads of information-babble, limiting in-person interactions with actual existing individuals, and decreasing exposure to new ideas through targeted advertising, fine-tuned algorithms, and politically stratified social media.

AI Comments

πŸ‘ This article provides an in-depth analysis of the current state of American politics, noting the systemic issues that have led to the current decline of the American experiment of liberty.

πŸ‘Ž This article paints an overly-negative view of American politics, ignoring the many positive developments that have taken place over the last few decades.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the state of American politics and how it has become a zombie state, full of corrupt politicians, media sensationalism, and a general will to nothing. It's quite a bleak outlook.

Friend: That's really worrying. What are the implications of this?

Me: Well, it suggests that the American political system is in a state of decline, and it could be a sign of a larger cultural and societal decline. It also suggests that the citizens of the US are not getting the government they deserve, and that the current leadership is unable to respond effectively to the challenges facing the country. It could also lead to a further erosion of trust in the government and institutions, which could have serious consequences.

Action items

Technical terms

A form of government in which political actors play stock characters in a farce.
Greek term for actors in a play.
The process of growing old or deteriorating.
A form of political campaigning that is designed to appear as if it is a grassroots movement.
To use something for its own benefit, often at the expense of something else.
Artificial Intelligence.
A philosophical belief that life is meaningless and that nothing can be known or communicated.

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