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The Wisdom of (Drunken) Crowds?


This article discusses a study conducted in 2008 that looked at whether or not a group of drunk people could still reach accurate decisions. The study found that while individuals were significantly impaired by alcohol, the collective wisdom of the group was able to offset these effects and reach a decision that was more accurate than any individual would have reached. This suggests that drunk people can still reach wise decisions as a group.


What is the title of the 2008 study that investigated the effect of alcohol on decision accuracy?
The title of the 2008 study is "Groupdrink".

What are the two issues discussed in the study?
The two issues discussed in the study are (1) Alcohol can be responsible for a lot of social evils; and (2) Groups often don’t reach their potential for improving decision accuracy or quality.

What were the results of the study?
The results of the study showed that group consensus was less erroneous than group members' private judgments, both in the placebo condition and the alcohol condition.

How does alcohol affect individual accuracy?
Alcohol significantly impaired individual accuracy.

What conclusion was drawn from the study?
The conclusion drawn from the study was that the decision process used by groups appears to offset the deleterious effects of alcohol upon individual members.

AI Comments

πŸ‘ This article provides an interesting insight into the wisdom of a crowd, particularly in the context of alcohol consumption. It provides an intriguing perspective on group decision making and the potential benefits of having a group of people work together to come to a decision.

πŸ‘Ž This article does not adequately address the potential risks associated with having a group of people consume alcohol before making a decision. It fails to consider the potential harm that may be caused when a group of people are not adequately informed and make decisions while under the influence of alcohol.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how groups of drunk people can still make more accurate decisions than individuals who are drunk. It even has a study that supports this idea.

Friend: That's really interesting! It sounds like it could be beneficial in many different settings.

Me: Yeah, and it's an interesting way to look at the idea of the wisdom of the crowd. It could be a useful tool for making decisions in certain situations, particularly those that involve making tough calls. It could also be a great way to promote collaboration and teamwork in social settings.

Action items

Technical terms

"Too long; didn't read" - a phrase used to indicate that a text is too long and the reader has not read it.
A 2008 study by Daniel Frings that examined the accuracy of group decisions when participants were given enough alcohol to reach a blood alcohol content of .08.
A reference to the Rat Pack, a group of entertainers in the 1950s and 1960s, who often performed at the Sands Hotel in Las Vegas.

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