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Elon Musk tells Twitter engineers to fly-in for meeting: Report


Elon Musk has asked all remaining Twitter employees who write software code to fly to San Francisco for a meeting on Friday. This comes after hundreds of employees have already left the company following Musk's takeover. The meeting is to discuss how the company is safeguarding data.


How many Twitter employees have left the company since Elon Musk took over?
Hundreds of Twitter employees have left the company since Elon Musk took over.

What did Musk ask remaining Twitter employees to do on Friday?
Musk asked remaining Twitter employees to fly to San Francisco for a meeting.

How long does Musk plan to stay at Twitter's headquarters?
Musk plans to stay at Twitter's headquarters until midnight.

What is the status of Twitter's US data center?
Twitter is planning to shut down one of its three main US data centers.

What did a White House official say about Twitter?
The White House official said that Twitter should tell Americans how the company is protecting their data.

AI Comments

👍 The article discusses how Elon Musk is working to improve Twitter. He is quoted as saying that he wants any remaining Twitter employees who write software code to report to the 10th floor of the office in San Francisco by early afternoon. This shows that he is committed to making Twitter a better place for everyone.

👎 The article discusses how Elon Musk is working to improve Twitter. He is quoted as saying that he wants any remaining Twitter employees who write software code to report to the 10th floor of the office in San Francisco by early afternoon. This shows that he is only interested in making Twitter a better place for himself and not for the employees.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how Elon Musk is reorganizing Twitter and how the company is in chaos.

Friend: That's interesting. I didn't know that he was the new owner.

Me: Yeah, he just bought the company a few weeks ago.

Friend: It sounds like he's trying to turn it around quickly.

Me: Yeah, it seems like he's trying to make some changes. But a lot of people are leaving the company, so it's not clear if it will be successful.

Action items

Technical terms

a social media platform where users can post short messages or "tweets" of up to 280 characters.
San Francisco
the city in California where Twitter is headquartered.
Elon Musk
the billionaire CEO of Tesla and SpaceX who bought Twitter earlier this month.
White House
the executive branch of the US government.
Twitter employees
people who work for Twitter.
Twitter's owner
Elon Musk, who bought Twitter earlier this month.
Twitter's headcount
the number of employees at Twitter.
when a company dismisses employees.
when employees leave a company.
a large number of people leaving a place.
when a company is facing many challenges.
sign up
agree to work.
long hours
working more than 8 hours a day.
high intensity
working very hard.
badge access
being able to enter the Twitter offices.
cut off
data centres
places where data is stored.
a data centre near Sacramento.
ratings agency
a company that evaluates the financial stability of other companies.
a ratings agency.
B1 credit rating
a rating that means a company is "speculative" and has a "moderate credit risk".
an American news network.
images of something that is being displayed on a screen.
relating to the practical application of scientific knowledge.
conversations in which someone is asked questions.
an electric car company.
a private spaceflight company.
not required.
after hours
outside of normal work hours.
not in the same location.
family emergency
an event that requires immediate attention and prevents someone from working.
when employees quit.

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