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Sticking the Soft Landing


The Federal Reserve raised interest rates to the highest levels since before the 2001 recession, yet they remain optimistic that inflation will remain under control without causing a recession. Inflation has been driven by supply-side and demand-side factors, but both have been easing since the summer of 2022. Data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis and the Employment Cost Index shows that wage growth has normalized, while Americans are spending 5.4% more than they were in June 2022. Financial conditions are easing and inflation expectations are rising, indicating that the US economy is no longer in the stagnant political economy of the long 2010s. Real per-capita consumption, durable goods spending, US manufacturing output, and median wages have all exceeded pre-pandemic levels, and the soft landing is looking increasingly likely.


What has the Federal Reserve been optimistic about regarding inflation?
The Federal Reserve has been optimistic about the forward path of inflation.

How have supply and demand-side drivers of inflation eased recently?
Supply-side constraints have eased and energy prices have declined while nominal consumer spending and incomes have decelerated close to normal levels.

What has been the impact of Gross Labor Income on inflation?
The deceleration in Gross Labor Income has been accompanied by a deceleration in aggregate consumer spending, which has broadly fallen to pre-pandemic rates.

What has caused financial conditions to ease despite higher rates?
The easing of financial conditions has coincided with medium and long-run inflation expectations remaining within a range consistent with the Fed’s 2% inflation target.

What has been the impact of the pandemic on US economic growth?
The US economy has grown more since the start of the pandemic than essentially any major high-income economy bar Australia. Real per-capita consumption has recovered to pre-COVID levels, and nonresidential fixed investment has been a major contributor to the ongoing strength of the US economy.

AI Comments

👍 This is an excellent article that clearly outlines the progress made on the economic front in the US since the start of the pandemic. The data is well presented and provides a comprehensive look at the state of the US economy.

👎 The article is overly long and lacks any real analysis or interpretation of the data presented. It is difficult to follow the analysis and the conclusions are not clearly stated.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how the Federal Reserve is optimistic about inflation and how the US economy is on the road to a soft landing without a recession. It talks about the drivers of inflation, like supply and demand, and how the US labor market is doing. It also looks at nominal GDP growth and wage growth and how they are stabilizing.

Friend: That's interesting. It sounds like a lot of the economic indicators are heading in a positive direction.

Me: Yes, it definitely seems that way. It's encouraging to see that the US economy is on the road to a soft landing without having to go through a recession. It also suggests that the Fed's monetary policies have been effective in controlling inflation. However, it's still important to keep an eye on inflation and other economic indicators to make sure that the economy continues to move in a positive direction.

Action items

Technical terms

Supply and Demand-Side Drivers of Inflation
Supply-side drivers of inflation refer to the factors that cause prices to rise due to a decrease in the availability of goods and services. Demand-side drivers of inflation refer to the factors that cause prices to rise due to an increase in the demand for goods and services.
Nominal Gross Domestic Product (NGDP)
The total value of all goods and services produced in an economy, measured in current prices.
Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
The total value of all goods and services produced in an economy, adjusted for inflation.
Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index (PCEPI)
A measure of the average change in prices of goods and services purchased by consumers.
Employment Cost Index (ECI)
A measure of the change in the cost of labor, including wages and benefits, for businesses in the United States.
Gross Labor Income (GLI)
The sum of aggregate wages and salaries in the economy.
Silicon Valley Bank
A financial services company based in Santa Clara, California.
Inflation-Indexed Treasury Bonds
Bonds issued by the U.S. Treasury that are indexed to inflation, meaning that the principal and interest payments are adjusted for changes in the Consumer Price Index.
Inflation Reduction Act
A proposed bill in the United States Congress that would reduce inflation by cutting taxes and increasing government spending.
The Comprehensive Health Insurance Program for Small Businesses Act, a proposed bill in the United States Congress that would provide tax credits to small businesses to help them purchase health insurance for their employees.

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