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We Are Entering a M aker Renaissance


We are living in an era ripe for makers, where the next big thing is much more likely to come from a tinkerer’s garage due to generative AI's accessibility, speed of prototyping, and massive market opportunities. This article examines the conditions that put makers in the driver's seat, such as access to technology, openness of space, and iteration velocity. It explores how generative AI fits these conditions and is leading to the rise of makers, who have the potential to define how we interact and adopt generative AI. It also looks at how makers will gain power to create and reshape entire industries, and discusses the thrill of exploration that makers experience when they create something valuable.


What are the three conditions necessary for the rise of makers?
The three conditions necessary for the rise of makers are access to technology, openness of space, and iteration velocity.

What is the “value question” that makers answer when a novel technology is introduced?
The value question that makers answer when a novel technology is introduced is "What is this thing actually good for?"

What is the advantage of makers having a shorter lead time?
The advantage of makers having a shorter lead time is that they can quickly experiment with the technology and stumble into a thing that actually works.

What is the maker's moment?
The maker's moment is when a bunch of things loosely wired together suddenly becomes valuable.

What is Every's course on building a chatbot in less than 30 days?
Every's course on building a chatbot in less than 30 days is a cohort-based course that will teach students how to make their own GPT-4 based knowledge assistant in less than 30 days. It includes weekly live sessions and expert mentorship, access to an AI community, hands-on projects and in-depth lessons, live Q&A sessions with industry experts, and a step-by-step roadmap to launch an AI assistant.

AI Comments

👍 Great article! It's really insightful how this article breaks down the cycle of technological innovation and the importance of makers in this process.

👎 This article is a bit too long and could have done a better job of summarizing the main points.

AI Discussion

Me: It talks about the rise of makers and how generative AI will fuel a new era for them. It goes into detail about the conditions that need to be in place for makers to thrive, as well as the opportunities that generative AI presents.

Friend: That's really interesting. What are the implications of this?

Me: Well, it suggests that we are entering a new era of makers, and that generative AI could open up a lot of new opportunities for them. It also suggests that makers will be the ones to lead the way in the adoption of generative AI, as they have the mindset to explore and experiment with the technology. This could have a huge impact on how we use AI in our everyday lives.

Action items

Technical terms

Generative AI
Generative AI is a type of artificial intelligence that is used to generate new data from existing data. It is used to create new content such as images, videos, and text.
GPT-4 is a type of natural language processing (NLP) model developed by OpenAI. It is a large-scale language model that can generate human-like text.
LLM Libraries
LLM (Language Model) Libraries are collections of pre-trained language models that can be used to generate text.
Web 2.0
Web 2.0 is the second generation of the World Wide Web, which is characterized by increased user interactivity and collaboration.
Embodied Strategies
Embodied strategies are the strategies that an organization has adopted and implemented over time.
Innovator’s Dilemma
The Innovator’s Dilemma is a theory proposed by Clayton Christensen that suggests that companies born from a technological breakthrough tend to become vulnerable to disruption from the next cycle of innovation.
Crossing the Chasm
Crossing the Chasm is a theory proposed by Geoffrey Moore that outlines the innovation adoption lifecycle, where a novel technology or product is first driven by innovators and early adopters. It then needs to overcome challenges to generate broader adoption (thereby crossing “the chasm”).

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