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YouTube experiments with AI auto-generated video summaries


YouTube is running a new experiment to auto-generate video summaries using AI, which are currently available in English for a limited number of videos and viewers. AI-powered YouTube video summarizer tools already exist, but are limited in their ability to accurately summarize longer videos. It is unclear how well the AI summary experiment will perform, and if it gets a wider rollout, but YouTube also has other AI initiatives like AI-generated quizzes for educational videos and an AI-dubbing tool. Additionally, Google recently announced more AI tools, such as an AI-assisted note-taking app and AI-generated backgrounds for Google Meet calls.


What is YouTube's new AI-powered video summarization tool?
YouTube's new AI-powered video summarization tool is an auto-generated video summary.

How do viewers differentiate a user-created video summary from one that was written by AI?
Viewers cannot differentiate a user-created video summary from one that was written by AI, as no screenshots of the experiment were shared.

What existing AI-powered YouTube video summarizer tools are available?
Existing AI-powered YouTube video summarizer tools include Clipnote.ai, Skipit.ai and Scrivvy.

What other AI initiatives has YouTube implemented?
YouTube has implemented AI-generated quizzes for educational videos and an AI-powered dubbing tool.

How will the AI auto-generated video summaries affect YouTube creators?
It is too early to tell how the AI auto-generated video summaries will affect YouTube creators.

AI Comments

👍 It's great to see YouTube experimenting with AI-generated video summaries to provide a quick overview of videos. This could be helpful for YouTube viewers to quickly decide if a video is the right one for them.

👎 The lack of screenshots shared of the experiment makes it difficult to tell how viewers will differentiate a user-created video summary from one that was written by AI. Additionally, some YouTube creators have found that the existing AI-powered YouTube video summarizer tools fail to summarize longer videos.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about YouTube experimenting with AI auto-generated video summaries. It looks like they're trying to use AI to create quick overviews of videos for viewers to help them decide if it's the right one for them. But the article also notes that these summaries don't replace video descriptions that are written by creators.

Friend: Interesting. It sounds like this could have some implications for YouTube creators.

Me: Yeah, it could. There are already AI-powered summarizer tools out there, but some creators say they don't work well for longer videos. So it'll be interesting to see how well the new experiment works and if it gets a wider rollout. If it does, it could potentially make it easier for viewers to find the videos they're looking for, but it could also take away from creators' ability to write their own summaries.

Action items

Technical terms

AI (Artificial Intelligence)
AI is a branch of computer science that focuses on creating intelligent machines that can think and act like humans.
Auto-generated means that something is created automatically, without any human input.
Video Summaries
Video summaries are short descriptions of a video that provide a quick overview of its content.
Clipnote.ai is an AI-powered YouTube video summarizer tool.
Skipit.ai is an AI-powered YouTube video summarizer tool.
Scrivvy is an AI-powered YouTube video summarizer tool.
AI-powered means that something is powered by artificial intelligence.

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