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How to Make Your Small Talk Big


This article explores how we can use small talk to build relationships with people and to express how much we care about one another. It discusses how, in the absence of institutions and rituals, the burden of connecting with others falls to us as individuals. Some tips are given on how to start conversations, including making a conscious effort to acknowledge the difficulty of the times and being willing to leave things unfinished. The article concludes that small talk can be a powerful tool to help us rebuild our communities and relationships.


How has the pandemic impacted our everyday social interactions?
The pandemic has put a strain on our everyday social interactions, as we have become accustomed to efficiency and abrupt exchanges. We have also had to rely more on informal networks and our own relationships to help us process the events of the pandemic.

What is the significance of small talk in times of crisis?
Small talk is important in times of crisis because it can be used to signal the kind of relationship we want to have and to acknowledge the tumult we are all experiencing. It can also be used to start updates with extended family or longtime friends, and to establish guardrails for conversations.

What can we do to foster stronger relationships with people who have different backgrounds and beliefs?
To foster stronger relationships with people who have different backgrounds and beliefs, we can start by just reaching out and listening. We can also make an extra effort to initiate conversations, and be curious about each other while knowing something is still bonding us.

How can we use small talk to show care and support for others?
We can use small talk to more intentionally express how much we care about one another and to admit how much each of us is struggling. We can also use it to signal the kind of relationship we want to have and to acknowledge the tumult weโ€™re each experiencing.

What advice can we take from experts to better navigate difficult conversations?
Experts advise us to expect and accept a lack of closure in difficult conversations, and to start by just saying how we want to talk together. We should also be watchful of what to share and whether to be on guard, and drop bread crumbs so people who need to talk realize we could be the one to hear them.

AI Comments

๐Ÿ‘ This article provides a great insight into how to make small talk more meaningful and how to build relationships with those around us.

๐Ÿ‘Ž This article doesn't offer any concrete advice on how to make small talk more meaningful, making it difficult to apply to our daily lives.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the importance of small talk in rebuilding relationships and fostering a sense of community. The author argues that we've forgotten how to talk to people after the pandemic, and that we need to make an effort to reach out and listen to each other more.

Friend: That's interesting. What are the implications of this article?

Me: Well, it suggests that we should make more of an effort to engage in meaningful conversations with the people around us. It also highlights the importance of understanding each other's contexts and backgrounds, even if we don't totally agree with each other. This is especially important now, when so many of us are feeling isolated and lonely. Finally, it suggests that small talk is a powerful tool in restoring relationships and building trust.

Action items

Technical terms

Small Talk
Casual conversation between two or more people.
Middle School Dance
A social event for middle school students.
A plan or strategy that is designed to achieve a specific goal.
To play or watch something again.
Tender Personal Topics
Subjects that are sensitive or emotional in nature.
A set of actions or activities that are done in a particular order or way.
A significant event or stage in the development of something.
Zoom Funeral
A funeral or memorial service that is held online using the video conferencing platform Zoom.
Informal Networks
A group of people who are connected by personal relationships rather than by formal organizational structures.
Loneliness Epidemic
A widespread feeling of loneliness and social isolation.
Interpersonal Trust
The belief that other people can be relied upon and trusted.
Grief Therapist
A mental health professional who specializes in helping people cope with grief and loss.
die Maker
A person who makes tools and dies for use in manufacturing.
Fox News
A conservative American news channel.
Family Feud
A game show in which two families compete against each other by answering survey questions.
Political Liberal
A person who has liberal political views.
A group of symptoms associated with a decline in the ability to think and remember that is severe enough to interfere with daily life.
A barrier that is designed to prevent a vehicle from leaving the road.
Bread Crumb
A small piece of information that can be used to find out more.
A set of beliefs and practices that are intended to challenge and eliminate racism.
Restorative Justice
A system of justice that focuses on repairing the harm caused by criminal behavior.
Casual conversation.

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