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Master the Fundamentals of Captivating Story


This article explains the concept of CopyWork, a strategy used by famous writers like Ernest Hemingway, Jack London, and Isaac Asimov. It involves taking exceptional writing and copying it by hand, in order to practice the right things and learn how to write with your own style. The article then promotes the StoryWork course, which is a 10-day writing and copywork course focused on storytelling. It includes guided writing sessions and passages from fiction, non-fiction, and exceptional essays, and has been praised by the students who have joined.


What question did three researchers ask in 1991?
The three researchers asked, "What's the most effective way to learn a new language?"

What technique proved to be the most effective way to learn a new language?
The most effective technique proved to be speaking with and mimicking a native speaker every day.

What is the concept of CopyWork?
The concept of CopyWork is to take exceptional writing and copy it by hand.

Who are some of the famous authors who used CopyWork to develop their writing style?
Ernest Hemingway, Jack London, and Isaac Asimov used CopyWork to develop their writing style.

What is the benefit of doing StoryWork?
The benefit of doing StoryWork is to have 25-minute guided writing sessions and to have the world's best writing seeping into your brain.

AI Comments

👍 This article is a great resource for anyone looking to improve their writing skills. The copywork technique is an effective way to develop your style and the StoryWork course looks like a great way to hone those skills.

👎 This article is quite lengthy and overwhelming, and the cost of the StoryWork course may be too expensive for some people.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about mastering the fundamentals of captivating storytelling. It talks about how the most effective way to learn something is to mimic a native speaker, and the same is true for writing. The article also mentions the concept of CopyWork, which is basically copying exceptional writing by hand. It then introduces StoryWork, which is a 10-day writing and copywork course focused on storytelling.

Friend: Wow, that's really interesting. It seems like CopyWork and StoryWork can be really helpful for people who want to improve their writing skills. It's also cool that it's backed up by examples from famous writers like Ernest Hemingway and Jack London.

Me: Yeah, I agree. It's really inspiring to hear how these famous writers used CopyWork to develop their writing style. And I think the concept of Imitate, then Innovate is a really useful mental model that can be applied to learning anything.

Action items

Technical terms

A technique used by writers to develop their writing style by copying exceptional writing by hand.
Pattern Matching
The process of recognizing patterns in writing and using them to develop one's own style.
A 10-day writing and copywork course focused on storytelling.

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