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Look at What Trends Are Keeping HR Leaders Busy Today


Leathwaite's annual HR survey found that most HR leaders (53%) are focusing on enabling business transformation, while 67% are focusing on employee engagement and retention. Organizations are also looking for innovative ways to motivate and retain employees such as personalized benefits packages and sabbaticals. Additionally, the board's priorities have changed and are now focused on diversity, culture, and EVP, meaning HR is being recognized as fundamental to organizational performance. Data and analytics are also a key part of HR's strategy. Lastly, CHROs and talent leaders must adapt their skills to the changing workforce in order to attract and retain the best talent.


What are HR leaders prioritizing in terms of deliverables to the board?
HR leaders are prioritizing diversity, culture, and employee value proposition (EVP) deliverables to the board.

What strategies are HR functions using to motivate and retain employees?
HR functions are using personalized benefits packages, sabbaticals, company-funded professional development, and one-off bonuses to motivate and retain employees.

How is digitization impacting the value HR functions can deliver?
Digitization is enabling HR functions to drive organizational performance through technology, data, and analytics.

What advice is Leathwaite giving to HR leaders to ensure success?
Leathwaite is advising HR leaders to ensure that technological advances are driven by desired outcomes rather than process, and to avoid putting fad or form before function.

What changes have organizations made in terms of internal communications due to the increased presence of remote and hybrid working?
Organizations have implemented changes to their internal communications strategies due to the increased presence of remote and hybrid working.

AI Comments

👍 This article is incredibly informative and highlights the importance of HR functions in today's business world. It provides valuable insight on how HR leaders can use technology, data, analytics and DEI to drive organizational success.

👎 This article is overly long and could have been condensed to provide a more succinct overview of the key points. The inclusion of some of the external links is also unnecessary.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the trends that have been keeping HR leaders busy. It looks at how they're trying to prioritize employee engagement and retention, and how they're using technology, data, and analytics to drive organizational performance. It also talks about how they're introducing personalized benefits packages and other initiatives to retain talent.

Friend: That's really interesting. It makes sense that HR leaders are focusing on employee engagement and retention in this uncertain economic climate. It also makes sense that they're turning to technology to help them manage their workforce. What do you think are some of the implications of this shift in focus for HR?

Me: One implication is that organizations need to prioritize upskilling their employees in terms of technology and data analytics. This is especially true for those coming from a low base in digital literacy. Another implication is that HR functions should be strategic in their approach to digital transformation, focusing on outcomes rather than processes, and making sure that employee experience is a top priority. Additionally, HR leaders need to ensure that any new technology they implement doesn't have any hard-coded biases or decision-making issues. Finally, they need to develop close cross-functional partnerships with internal technology and analytics teams and external partners.

Action items

Technical terms

Macro-economic uncertainty
A situation in which economic conditions are unpredictable due to a variety of factors, such as changes in government policy, international events, or economic trends.
Geopolitical threats
A threat to a nation or region's security or stability that is caused by political, economic, or military actions of another nation or region.
Game-changing technologies
Technologies that have the potential to significantly alter the way a business operates or the way a market functions.
The process of providing the resources, tools, and support needed to enable a person or organization to achieve their goals.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
Employee Value Proposition.
HR Chief Data and Analytics Officer
A role within the HR department responsible for managing data and analytics to improve organizational performance.
The process of providing employees with the skills and knowledge they need to perform their jobs more effectively.
The process of converting information into digital form.
Artificial Intelligence.
Chief Human Resources Officer.

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