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Understanding Sulu and taking your first steps


This article is a guide to understanding and using Sulu as a content management system. It explains how it is built on top of the Symfony framework, and how developers and editors can work with it. It outlines the benefits of adopting Sulu for agencies, including a larger pool of Symfony and Twig developers, clean codebase, better security, and the ability to promote atomic design principles and thought-through information architecture. It also provides instructions for getting started with Sulu, as well as some tips and advice for setting out on a Sulu project.


What is the purpose of this article?
The purpose of this article is to help readers understand whether Sulu is the right CMS for their needs, and to provide a look at the road ahead if they choose it.

What is Sulu's grain?
Sulu's grain is its flexibility for developers, its focus on code configuration rather than database configuration, its use of Symfony and Twig, and its use of blocks for structured content.

Who is Sulu best suited for?
Sulu is best suited for projects that have to stand up to high levels of traffic, even when they contain complex business logic. It is also ideal for feature requests that are difficult to deliver with existing tools.

What are the benefits of using Sulu for agencies?
The benefits of using Sulu for agencies include the ability to recruit from a large pool of Symfony and Twig developers, a clean code base, more security, easier maintainability, an editor experience that promotes atomic design principles and thought-through information architecture, and the ability to leverage its full potential when running at scale and at speed.

How do developers get started with Sulu?
Developers can get started with Sulu by getting the code with Composer, configuring a webspace, setting up and initializing the database, running a CLI command, and starting a local webserver.

AI Comments

👍 This article provides great insight into the features of Sulu, and how it can help agencies deliver high-performance, complex projects. It also provides helpful information on how developers can take advantage of Sulu's benefits.

👎 This article is too long and detailed, making it difficult to quickly gain an understanding of Sulu's features.

AI Discussion

Me: The article is about getting started with Sulu. It covers topics like understanding Sulu, development best practices, how to set up a development environment, and more. It also talks about the benefits of using Sulu for agencies.

Friend: That's interesting. What implications does the article have?

Me: The article highlights the importance of understanding Sulu's "grain" and the benefits of using Symfony and Twig for development. It also discusses how Sulu promotes atomic design principles, the benefits of open source, and the importance of having a great editor experience. Finally, it emphasizes the importance of having the right infrastructure in place to support large-scale websites.

Action items

Technical terms

Content Management System. A software application used to create, manage, and publish digital content.
A dependency manager for PHP. It allows developers to declare the libraries their project depends on and it will manage (install/update) them for you.
A PHP web application framework. It is used to develop web applications and it is based on the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture.
A template engine for PHP. It is used to create HTML, XML, and other markup languages.
A distributed, open source search and analytics engine. It is used to search and analyze large amounts of data in real time.
An open source container-orchestration system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.
A web application accelerator. It is used to speed up the delivery of web pages by caching static content and dynamic content.
Content Delivery Network. A system of distributed servers that deliver web content to users based on their geographic locations.
Doctrine DBAL
A database abstraction layer for PHP. It provides a unified API for accessing different types of databases.
Atomic Design
A methodology for creating design systems. It is based on the idea of breaking down design elements into smaller, reusable components.
What You See Is What You Get. A type of editor that allows users to see the results of their changes as they make them.

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