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Musk antagonist George Hotz hired to fix Twitter search — he’s got 12 weeks


George Hotz, a former iPhone hacker and self-driving car developer, has been hired by Elon Musk to work on fixing Twitter's search feature and removing the login prompt. This is a 12-week 'internship' that Hotz has accepted.


What is George Hotz's background?
George Hotz is a noted iPhone hacker and self-driving car developer.

What is the goal of Hotz's "internship" at Twitter?
The goal of Hotz's "internship" at Twitter is to fix its search feature and remove the prompt that prevents users from browsing the service on the web without logging in.

What was Hotz's response to Elon Musk's ultimatum to Twitter employees?
Hotz said that "this is the attitude that builds incredible things" and that he'd be willing to do an internship at the company.

What is Comma.ai?
Comma.ai is a company that aims to build driver assistance technology that can be retrofitted into existing cars.

What was the outcome of Hotz's discussion with Musk about working at Tesla?
The discussion between Hotz and Musk about working at Tesla fell through when Musk kept changing the terms of their deal.

AI Comments

👍 It's great to see that George Hotz is using his skills to help improve Twitter. I hope he is able to make some positive changes to the platform.

👎 I don't see how George Hotz is qualified to work on Twitter's search feature. He doesn't seem to have any experience with social media platforms.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about George Hotz, the former iPhone hacker and self-driving car developer, who has been hired by Elon Musk to fix Twitter's search feature.

Friend: Wow. That's interesting. I didn't know that Hotz was working on driverless car technology.

Me: Yeah, he's been working on it for a while. But it's interesting that he's working for Musk now.

Friend: Yeah. I wonder if Hotz will be able to make any progress with fixing Twitter's search feature. It's been a problem for a while.

Action items

Technical terms

Advanced driver assistance
A type of driver assistance technology that can be retrofitted into existing cars, as opposed to Tesla vehicles which ship with the technology built-in.
A driver assistance system that Tesla offers in its vehicles.
A company that Tesla used to partner with to supply some of the technology for its Autopilot system.

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