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Drive Capital’s investors reach a fork in the road


Drive Capital's investors are unhappy with recent developments at the firm, including the split of the team and the struggles of some of its portfolio companies. Mark Kvamme, one of the co-founders, is reportedly considering starting a new fund, which has alarmed Olsen and the other investors. However, it is unclear if Kvamme will actually go through with it.


What caused the rift between Drive Capital cofounders Mark Kvamme and Chris Olsen?
The rift between Drive Capital cofounders Mark Kvamme and Chris Olsen was caused by a relationship between Olsen and Yasmine Lacaillade, who was Drive’s COO for nearly seven years before leaving the firm in April to launch her own investment outfit.

What is Mark Kvamme's new fund, the Ohio Fund, supposed to invest in?
The Ohio Fund is supposed to invest in multiple asset classes, including other funds, public stocks, private companies in Ohio, and infrastructure.

How is Drive Capital's portfolio doing?
Drive Capital's portfolio is in rougher shape than a year or two ago.

Who is Yasmine Lacaillade?
Yasmine Lacaillade is Drive Capital's former COO.

What are JD Vance's political aspirations?
JD Vance's political aspirations are to set up a venture firm in Cincinnati called Narya and to bid for Senate.

AI Comments

👍 It's good to see that Drive Capital is continuing to invest in the Midwest and is committed to the area's growth.

👎 It's unfortunate that the investors in Drive Capital are having a bumpy ride.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about Drive Capital, a venture firm that's having some internal issues. The co-founders are splitting up, and one of them is starting a new fund that could compete with Drive Capital.

Friend: That's interesting. I didn't know that there was so much drama going on behind the scenes at venture firms.

Me: Yeah, it's pretty crazy. I guess it just goes to show that even the most successful businesses can have their problems.

Action items

Technical terms

Drive Capital
a venture capital firm
Sequoia Capital
a venture capital firm
the region of the United States located in the middle of the country
Columbus, Oh.-based
located in Columbus, Ohio
assets under management
the total value of all the assets that a company or individual manages
a disagreement or conflict between people
the other shoe dropped
something happened that was unexpected or not part of the original plan
prospect of
the possibility of something happening
people who provide financial support for a project or venture
a company or organization
performed or carried out
to fail suddenly and completely
reverse stock split
a corporate action in which a company divides its existing shares into multiple shares
a news website
very large or impressive
venture studio
a company that helps other companies develop new products or services
limited partners
investors in a venture capital firm
take action
to do something in order to achieve a goal
land on his feet
to be successful despite difficult circumstances

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