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This article covers a toolset on JavaScript that can be used to create a great experience for keyboard users. The article includes code examples and explanations of how the code works.


What is the second part of a guide to making websites accessible to keyboard users?
The second part of a guide to making websites accessible to keyboard users is creating a great experience for keyboard users.

What is Cristian Diaz's toolset on JavaScript?
Cristian Diaz's toolset on JavaScript is a toolset that you can mix into different components to create a great experience for keyboard users.

What is the goal of creating a great experience for keyboard users?
The goal of creating a great experience for keyboard users is to make websites accessible to keyboard users.

What are the different parts of a website that need to be accessible to keyboard users?
The different parts of a website that need to be accessible to keyboard users are the navigation, the content, and the forms.

How can the JavaScript toolset be used to create a great experience for keyboard users?
The JavaScript toolset can be used to create a great experience for keyboard users by making websites accessible to keyboard users.

AI Comments

👍 This is a great article! It's really helpful and informative.

👎 This article is terrible. It's poorly written and doesn't provide any useful information.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how to make websites accessible to keyboard users using JavaScript.

Friend: That's interesting. I didn't know you could do that.

Me: Yeah, I didn't either. But it makes sense. If you think about it, a lot of people use the keyboard as their primary input device, so it's important to make sure that websites are accessible to them.

Friend: That's a good point. I'll have to read the article.

Action items

Technical terms

a programming language used to create interactive web pages
the quality of being able to be used by people with disabilities
keyboard users
people who use a keyboard to input information into a computer or other device

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