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Intel Says Its Deepfake Detector Has 96% Accuracy


Intel has developed a new deepfake detection technology called FakeCatcher, which has a 96% success rate at detecting fake likenesses. FakeCatcher works by scanning the pixels in a video to collect data on subtle blood flow mechanics on a person's face. This data is then used by a deep learning AI to determine if the subject's likeness is authentic or not.


What is deepfake technology?
Deepfake technology is a technology where someone's likeness is digitally placed over someone else's.

What are the implications of deepfake technology?
The implications of deepfake technology are that it can be used to create fake videos of people doing or saying things they never actually did.

What is FakeCatcher?
FakeCatcher is a technology developed by Intel that is able to detect deepfake videos with a 96% success rate.

How does FakeCatcher work?
FakeCatcher works by scanning the pixels in a video to collect data on subtle blood flow mechanics on a person's face. Then a deep learning AI can determine if the subject's likeness is authentic or not.

What are some real-world applications of FakeCatcher?
Some real-world applications of FakeCatcher include detecting fake videos of people and detecting voice spoofing.

AI Comments

👍 This is a great article. It's so important that we have technology like this to detect deepfakes.

👎 This is a terrible article. It's so important that we have technology like this to detect deepfakes.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how Intel has created a deepfake detector that has 96% accuracy.

Friend: Wow, that's amazing. I can't believe they can detect deepfakes that accurately.

Me: I know. It's really impressive. But it also has some scary implications.

Friend: Like what?

Me: Well, for one thing, it means that deepfakes are becoming more and more realistic. And that's worrisome because it could be used for things like identity theft or fraud.

Friend: Yeah, that's definitely a concern. But it's also kind of amazing that we can now detect deepfakes so accurately.

Me: I know. It's a double-edged sword.

Action items

Technical terms

Deepfake technology
A technology where someone's likeness is digitally placed over someone else's.
A deepfake detection technology developed by Intel.
A method to determine the change in blood flow in human tissue.

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