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This winter will be colder than usual, weather agency says


The article discusses the Korea Meteorological Administration's (KMA) forecast that this winter will be colder than usual, although it will not break records. The agency attributes the forecast to a strong low pressure system that is expected to bring heavy rain across the country followed by a cold snap. The agency is urging people to take precautions against the cold weather.


What is the Korea Meteorological Administration predicting for this winter?
The Korea Meteorological Administration is predicting that this winter will be colder than usual.

What is the cause of the warm November temperatures?
The warm November temperatures are due to the flow of warm air inland from the west.

When will the cold weather begin?
The cold weather will begin on Wednesday.

How low will temperatures go?
Temperatures will go below minus 5 degrees Celsius.

What is the advice for people in Korea?
The advice for people in Korea is to prepare for the cold weather.

AI Comments

👍 The Korea Meteorological Administration's three-month forecast says that this winter will be colder than usual, but not break any records.

👎 After the rain on Monday and Tuesday, large scale cold air will come down from the north, and temperature will drop sharply,” said Woo Jin-kyu, a weather official.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the weather agency saying that this winter will be colder than usual.

Friend: That makes sense. It's been really warm lately.

Me: Yeah. I'm not looking forward to the cold weather.

Action items

Technical terms

Korea Meteorological Administration
The national weather service of South Korea.
Gangwon Province
A province in northeastern South Korea.
Chungcheong Province
A province in central South Korea.
Jeolla Province
A province in southwestern South Korea.
Gyeongsang Province
A province in southeastern South Korea.
Referring to the mainland of a continent, as opposed to its islands. In this context, continental air is colder air coming from the mainland of Asia.
Below zero on the Celsius temperature scale.
Westerly wind
A wind blowing from the west.

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