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More Than 5 Feet of Snow in Buffalo Area, and More Is Expected


The article discusses the ongoing snowstorm in Buffalo, New York, which is expected to bring up to 66 inches of snow in some areas. The storm has caused school closures, road closures, and the cancellation of some public events. Two deaths have been reported so far.


What is the storm system affecting the eastern coasts of Lakes Erie and Ontario?
The storm system is a snowstorm that is affecting the eastern coasts of Lakes Erie and Ontario.

How much snow has been recorded in Orchard Park?
The snowfall in Orchard Park has been recorded at 66 inches.

What are the consequences of the heavy snowfall?
The consequences of the heavy snowfall include roads and highways being closed, school days and other civic functions being canceled, and at least two deaths being tied to cardiac arrest.

What is the forecast for the rest of the storm?
The forecast for the rest of the storm is for more snow and winds, with the heaviest snowfall expected in north Buffalo.

How does this compare to other snowstorms in Buffalo?
This snowstorm is comparable to other snowstorms in Buffalo in terms of the amount of snowfall.

AI Comments

👍 While the worst might not have hit the heart of Buffalo, the south side of the metro area could still see the 'paralyzing snowfall' forecast by meteorologists at the National Weather Service.

👎 Darlene Brooks, 23, who moved here from Rochester last month, was supposed to be celebrating her birthday on Friday. Instead, she was digging out.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about the extreme weather conditions in Buffalo right now. They're expecting over five feet of snow!

Friend: Wow! That's a lot of snow! I can't even imagine what that would be like.

Me: Yeah, I know. It's crazy. I feel bad for all the people who have to deal with this.

Action items

Technical terms

Snowfall rates
the speed at which snow is falling
moving air that can cause things like trees and snow to move
Snow plows
a vehicle with a blade attached to the front that is used to clear snow from roads
Driving ban
a law that prohibits people from driving in certain conditions, like during a snowstorm
Lake-effect snow
a type of snow that occurs when cold air blows over warm lake water

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