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Brain Scientists Explore the How of When


In a new study, brain scientists have found the strongest evidence yet of "time cells" in the brain. These cells are responsible for tracking the passage of time, and their activity is related to memory formation and retrieval. The findings suggest that our perception of time is shaped by the memories that fill it, and by the emotions that help imprint them.


What is the strongest evidence to date of "time cells" in the brain?
The strongest evidence to date of "time cells" in the brain is from a new study.

What region of the brain is essential for memory formation and retrieval?
The region of the brain essential for memory formation and retrieval is the medial temporal area.

How do "time cells" represent the passage of time?
"Time cells" represent the passage of time by firing to support an activity.

What is the relationship between perceived time and the Greenwich Mean variety?
The relationship between perceived time and the Greenwich Mean variety is that the time cells adjust to the demands being made on the brain, in real time, moment to moment.

Why does pandemic time feel warped for some people?
Pandemic time feels warped for some people because they have to absorb an enormous amount of news and information about the virus, the symptoms and various interventions, on top of work and child demands.

AI Comments

๐Ÿ‘ This is a fascinating article that provides valuable insights into the human brain.

๐Ÿ‘Ž This article is confusing and does not provide any useful information.

AI Discussion

Me: It's about how scientists are exploring the concept of "time cells" in the brain, and how they may be related to the subjective experience of time.

Friend: That's interesting. I wonder if they've found any connection between time cells and the way our perception of time can change under stress or during periods of change.

Me: That's a good point. I know that when I was going through a really tough time a few years ago, it felt like time was moving really slowly. Everything just felt really dragging.

Friend: Yeah, I can imagine. I've definitely had periods like that before where time just feels really slow and heavy.

Me: I wonder if the scientists who did this study have found any connection between time cells and the way our perception of time can change under stress or during periods of change.

Friend: That would be interesting to know. I'm sure they'll continue to explore that possibility.

Action items

Technical terms

Time cells
neurons in the brain that track time intervals
Medial temporal area
a region deep in the brain that is essential for memory formation and retrieval
Free recall
the subjects had 30 seconds to freely recall as many words as they could from a list
Ramping cells
a group of nearby neurons that accelerates its firing as a task begins and decelerates or decays as the job winds down

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