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Art Isn’t Dead, It’s Just Machine-Generated


The article discusses how AI is changing the landscape of art and creativity, with a focus on the fields of programming and visuals. It argues that while AI models will replace artists long before they'll replace programmers, the impact on creative work output is extreme. The article cites the example of image generation, where AI models can produce complete or nearly complete work output at a fraction of the cost and time of traditional methods.


What is the difference between code generation and image generation in terms of AI?
The difference between code generation and image generation in terms of AI is that code generation requires a human to verify it is correct, while image generation does not.

How does generative AI change the economic calculus for creating art?
Generative AI changes the economic calculus for creating art by making it cheaper and faster.

What is the point of this post?
The point of this post is to argue that creative endeavors across the board are likely to be disrupted by AI long before systems building.

What are the implications of generative AI for the creative industry?
The implications of generative AI for the creative industry are that it will make art more accessible to new types of artists.

What is the history of new tools in art and how they expand or contract the definition of art?
The history of new tools in art is that they tend to expand the definition of art.

AI Comments



AI Discussion

Me: It's about how art is being replaced by machine-generated art.

Friend: That's interesting. I didn't know that was possible.

Me: Yeah, it's pretty wild. The article argues that AI models will replace artists long before they'll replace programmers.

Friend: That makes sense. I can see how AI could generate artwork, but I don't see how it could replace programmers.

Me: Yeah, the article argues that correctness is critical in programming, and it's difficult to verify that AI-generated code is correct. With artwork, there are no correctness constraints, so it's easier for AI to generate high-quality art.

Friend: That's a good point. I hadn't thought of that.

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